The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

First Podcast

General Podcasts
Posted by: jzelazny | 6 Comments

While Amy was at dance, Evan and I took a break from watching golf to create our first of many podcasts. He is a little shy, but promises to say more in future episodes. My grandfather used to record my sister and I when we were kids and I loved to hear my voice as a child years later, so here we go!

6 thoughts on “First Podcast”

  1. Kathy Muller

    I LOVED IT! Now Jen, Evan wouldn’t tell you his address because he knows you already know it!
    Happy Mother’s Day!
    Love, Aunt Kathy

  2. jenz

    You are right about the address! We often ask him questions and he just looks at us like duh…you should know that.
    Thank you very much for the Mother’s day wish and the anniversary card…what a treat to know someone remembered!! We had a nice time at dinner, Jen’s friend Heather babysat.
    Love ya!

  3. Mom

    Very cute! This reminded me of when you were little and we used to go through all kinds of questions while we were eating lunch. When you start counting with him, it will really bring back memories!

  4. Krista

    Wow! Evan’s web site is getting better and better every day. Jen, that was adorable. You caught him in a really good mood. Happy Mother’s Day (a day late) to both you and Amy.

  5. Sal

    Hysterical! Evan’s first broadcast! Thanks for the Monday afternoon pick-me-up!

  6. jenz

    I am glad everyone liked it. Perhaps next time I will sing on it…we will see how much you like it then 😉

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