The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

first tooth in sight.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well last night was interesting. Yesterday or the day before Jen felt the first ridge of a little tooth coming in and last night (at Susan and Adam’s engagement party) we saw the little white ridges and Evan felt them. He went down in his pack n’ play at the Rominski’s at his normal time, but woke up crying twice over the next few hours – very unhappy boy. We did not have any pain medication with us and we tried the cold washcloth trick, but he did not want anything to do with it. We wanted our little boy to be home in his own bed, so we left the part around 9. When we got home, we put Evan to bed with a little Tylenol in his system and he seemed good to go. Well at 11 – he woke up screaming. We gave him a small bottle, since he had not eaten since 6ish and then rocked him back to sleep. Well, he woke up again at 12:45 screaming. Unfortunately, too soon for more medication, so this time I just rocked him and put him back in bed. He slept until 6:45 this morning. He woke up this morning ate, and slept again for two hours. We have not had to give him any medication for pain today, so hopefully tomorrow on the plane he does okay. I am hoping the tooth makes it through today and tonight and then the pain will basically be gone for our visit to NJ. If not, then I guess we get use to getting up in the middle of the night….something we have not had to do since week 9 or 10 :).

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