The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew


Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Every morning I drive Evan to his babysitter’s house and on the way we always pass lots of cars, trucks, and trains. Evan enjoys riding in the Volvo (he calls it “the Volvo”) and we always “race” the train and cars on our way to the babysitters. We actually never really race, but anytime you have multiple cars going the same way (or a train) Evan thinks it is a race and gets excited.

On Friday I got a call from the babysitter asking me if we race in the car because that afternoon, the babysitter was driving around with Evan in the back and everyone had their windows down. At a stop light Evan said hello to the older man in the car next to him and the man said hello back. Evan then asks him if he wants to race and the older man politely said no thank you – and Evan then said “ok, bye”.

While all this was going on, the babysitter was sitting in the front seat in shock…because Evan was talking to the person next to them and asking them if they wanted to race. We all got a huge kick out of it and are curious what else Evan might say to people next to him over this summer!

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