The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Evan Likes Fish

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan is at the age now where everything is really cool and interesting to him. He loves looking for worms on rainy days, and now dead worms on dry days (on the driveway). He recently had shown new interest in fish. Our friends Phil and Ginny have a pond where they have fish in it as well as a large fish tank in their house that Evan loves to look at.

Yesterday we took him to the pet store to look at fish and he absolutely loved it. We then came home and before bedtime I read him the book “Curious George Goes to the Aquarium” where he was completely fascinated with the story and pictures of the whales, octopus, and penguins.

Perhaps when he gets a little older I will buy him his own fish for his room. (At this point I would be concerned he would either drink the water, dump it out, or take the fish out) 😉

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