The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Level 1 Ultrasound

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

11 weeks – Level 1 Ultrasound – According to the level 1 ultrasound (in-depth pictures and measurements of the babies) Baby A (soon to find out our little boy) has an increased nuclear fluid in between the skull and the skin of the neck – the genetic councelor recommended a few different test, one being an Amniocentesis.  This increased fluid level could mean a variety of things – Down’s Syndrome, some other genetic disorder, or nothing at all.  Many babies show an increase fluid level, but are born totally normal with no problems.  You just do not know.  Because there are twins we have twice the risk of everything.

The fluid level can also be an indicator of a problem with the cardiovascular system.  Doctors believe the fluid acts like the blood transporting materials around the baby at this young age.

We decide to wait until after Christmas to have the amniocentesis so I do not have to worry about the airport and flying right after my amniocentesis.

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