The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Week 27 Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

We went for our 27 week appointment and ultrasound last week and everything went well.  Both babies are doing well and have good heart rates.  The boy (Will) is measuring 2 pounds 10 ounces – he is laying below my ribs kinda across my body. The girl (Cora) is measuring 2 pounds 4 ounces feet down on my right side.  No wonder I feel the most uncomfortable on my right side since I have a head and feet all pushed together.  So the ultrasound tech did not feel the differences in weight were that big enough to worry about at this point, although the doctor said if they continue to move away from each other in weight they may have to take them early because we do not want Cora to not get the nutrients she needs.  She is currently in the 45th percentile and Will is in the 65th percentile.  Hopefully WIll decides to share and both can stay inside several more weeks – any thoughts Aunt Jackie?

Crazy thing – I almost passed out during he ultrasound because I was on my back for so long – only about 15 minutes.  I just cannot get over how different this pregnancy is from when I carried Evan.  The tech said when you lay on your back the babies constrict your vessels – so the blood was not getting through as it should.  Crazy.

My weight was good – I gained about 2.4 pounds since my last appointment and my blood pressure was a little high but nothing to worry about.  No change from last time in my staying off my feet – thank goodness.  So I will continue to keep my feet up when I can and work three days a week.

Pictures:  Baby B – is Will of course all his shots are easy to see and perfect because he is on top.  Baby A is Cora – she has to deal with shadows and feet in her face – so pictures of her are not as easy to get.  PS. I am learning so if you click on the picture it will be small but click again and it should be bigger on the screen.

One thought on “Week 27 Appointment”

  1. Rene Muller

    Amy and Jen, this is getting even more exciting! I’m so happy that everyone is doing well (albeit uncomfortable!). When did you pick out names? I think that’s what makes this so much more real!! Keep posting these updates 🙂


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