The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Busy weekend

Family Friends
Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We are so lucky to have the Rominski family in our lives! This weekend Evan spent a lot of time with Denise and Phillip, which gives us a little break on our end. On Saturday Evan spent the day at the pond store with the Rominski’s picking out some new things for their ponds. Jen and I ran a few errands and just relaxed a little. On Sunday Evan and mommy went to pick up some new coy fish for the Rominski ponds, Evan had a blast and I think Jen enjoyed herself too. I relaxed at home. There is a lot going on at home with baby stuff preparation and we appreciate everything Denise and Phillip are doing to keep Evan’s life a little normal.

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