The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Managing Wake-Ups

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

A lot of people had opinions and comments about how to handle the first few months of handling mid-night wake-ups. Fortunately we had a lot of help from family and friends (thanks!) the first two months. We tried shifts, nights on/off/pick a twin/wake them together, and all seemed to work ok – but it was still hard due to the frequency of the feedings. (Generally every 2.5 hours for the first 2 months).

In the last few weeks Amy and I have decided to rotate each night with picking Will or Cora which has been working out great. With Will – you can usually expect him to wake up earlier at night, and sometimes have a hard time going to sleep after the 7ish AM feeding – but you know he is a good eater and will make the feedings really quick.

Cora on the other hand will generally sleep longer, but she can sometimes be more of a challenge to feed. There are some definite benefits with both. Now that it is easy to tell who is crying – I think this way of waking up works great and I am glad we finally found something that works out for both of us.

Anyway – that is how we decide who is getting up during the night 😉

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