The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Evan Turns 4

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday Evan turned four years old. He woke up, opened presents from family and friends, and then watched his favorite movie (Tom and Jerry Nutcracker). After Denise arrived, Evan and I went to the local donut shop to get donut holes for a birthday treat for his pre-school class. He went in and wanted a peppermint donut (which they had) and then we took it home for him to eat before his class.

After that, I went to work and he played with some of his new toys and enjoyed the morning. Unfortunately – he started complaining about not feeling well and by the time I took him to pre-school he looked wiped out. He was not interested in lunch (not even fire chips) but when he got to school he seems to light up a bit.

When I picked him up, he told me he wanted a nap and after telling him a ghost story (his favorite type of stories) he quickly fell asleep. When he woke up, he opened a few more presents (including the super flying airplane I bought him) but was not very excited with anything.

For dinner – we made plans to take him to Portillos and then to Chuck E Cheese with his friend Caden and his dad. He did not even eat his french fries let alone his hot dog, and by the time we got to Chuck E Cheese – he looked wiped out again. After 30 minutes or so of playing games, we sat down to have cup cakes, but he instead of wanting a cup cake, wanted to go home. At that point we knew he was not feeling well.

Turns out he had a slight fever, so after some medicine, he went to bed without arguing. No one likes to be sick – especially on his birthday, but he woke up this morning feeling much better and super excited to play with all the new toys he got.

Thanks to Uncle Mike (and family) and the Reid family for calling and singing Happy Birthday!

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