The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

A Few More Good Quotes

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today we went to Denise’s mother-in-law’s wake. We are sorry for their loss but had to laugh at Evan’s comment to Josh when we got there. Of course everyone is in suits and nice outfits. Evan so politely said to Josh,

“I am sorry for your loss and why are you wearing that costume?” – in reference to his suit.

It was a nice change to the somber moment.

Also, today on the way home from school, I took a half day and actually got to pick up evan – he had another good comment. He was explaining his plans for the afternoon –

“you know…Mac and cheese, go outside to take a walk with Denise and the babies, come home and nap and then play batman.”

He then passed his ideas to me and told me to put them in my brain so I could have the same thoughts.

So many good things happening.

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