The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Cute Actions By Both

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Not that you will get the full idea from just this explanation, but it is so cute I have to share. Will and Cora both have these little actions that they do randomly that are so cute.

Will flutters his eye lids, it is so funny. It may have started as an accident or involuntary but now we do it back and forth to each other. It is adorable and funny because I too have a tendency to flutter my eye lashes when I roll my eyes. Jen loves it ;).

Cora makes this weird breathing motion/noise with her mouth. Sometimes her lips are pursed like a fish and other times her mouth is wide open and she breathes really fast and loud. We do that back and forth to each other too. So funny.

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