The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Year Two Update

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

May 19, 2012 update

Will – weight: 29 pounds (63%) height: 35 inches (76%). Will is just amazing – He loves to throw things whether it is a ball or a toy in the house. He loves to talk too, except when his brother and sister won’t shut their mouths :). He is our snuggler.

Cora – weight: 24 pounds (16%) height: 32 inches (15%). Cora continues to be our peanut. The doctor said she is small but proportionate. Cora never stops talking…never! She has so much to say about everything….even things we do not always understand. She is also very dramatic…do not know where she got that from.

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