The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Grandma and Grandpa Z’s Spring Visit

Family Zelaznys
Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Grandma and Grandpa Z came for a visit around the twins’ birthday so they could be there for the actual birthday and the birthday party. As always, the kids loved having them here and everyone had a blast.

Evan really enjoyed going to the bookstore with Grandma and Grandpa. Cora loved the doll bed that they brought for her (my doll bed that I had as a child). Will loved the stools that Papa made them (Grandma and Grandpa delivered them) as well as snuggling with Grandma.

Evan also enjoyed Grandma and Grandpa going to school with him and – as he told the teacher – tickling Grandpa’s mustache. (He calls him mustache guy).

Thanks for visiting and helping with the party! You can see more visit pictures by going to the photos section.

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