The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: At the Doctors

At the Doctors Just Will

No Surgery!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Hopefully the tide is turning for us. Will just got back from his doctor’s appointment and got good news: no surgery needed at this point. They are going to re-evaluate next week after some more X-rays. Until then, no running and more Monopoly.


At the Doctors

18 Month Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will and Cora went for their 18 month appointment this afternoon – cannot believe they are getting so big! They checked out great and only had to get their flu shots…which was nice.

Will was awesome – calm and relaxed during his whole physical. He is becoming a bigger boy.
Weight – 25lb 1oz (71st percentile)
Height – 33 inches (86th percentile)

Cora was not so calm. She cried as soon as I put her on yet table actually was not even so sure about going into the little room.
Weight – 20lb 13oz (32nd percentile)
Height – 30 1/2 inches (25th percentile)

Evan also got his flu shot – so we are good to go. If we have a fabulous winter without colds then we do not have to go back with Will and Cora until May. We will see.

At the Doctors

15 Month Update

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora Louise (our peanut)

  • 19lbs 9oz (6 percentile)
  • 29in (20 percentile)
  • head circumference is 46.75in (81 percentile)

William Frederick

  • 24lbs (51 percentile)
  • 30.25in (37 percentile)
  • head circumference is 47.5in (67 percentile)

The doctor was happy with their growth even though they are definitely not as big as their big brother was at this age. The doctor would like them to work on identifying body parts and common objects and words.

At the Doctors

1 Year Doctors’ Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday we had their one year doctor’s appointment so I wanted to give an update for those of you who want to know…


  • 18 lbs 7.75 oz (12%tile)
  • 28 inches (18%tile)

The doctor was happy with her growth, pretty consistently small. ๐Ÿ™‚ even though she is tiny she has taken over the role of eating everything. We now dump what Will does not eat onto Cora’s tray and she eats it.


  • 23lbs 1.25oz (56%tile)
  • 30 inches (59%tile)

He also is growing well.

Both babies can stand on their own for a minute but no real steps. Will seemed to take a side step the other day but don’t know if we can really call it a step. They are both close.

At the Doctors

We Live At The Doctor’s Office

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will and I went for another visit to the doctor this evening. He started to show signs of a cold a few days ago and with his third tooth (finally) coming in we thought maybe it was teething. Then yesterday we started to hear a tiny bit of wheezing again. If you remember in February he was in for wheezing, given a breathing treatment and then Albuterol. Same today. The doctor said it was a very slight wheeze, but it was there. She again gave him the treatment in the office, he again screamed the entire time, and is getting the Albuterol inhaler every four hours.

So I asked about asthma. She said yes, Will most likely has virus triggered asthma. Which means he should be fine at most times when he is healthy and usually this type goes away by age 6 if not before. It could be triggered later on when he gets more into sports and activities…but we will just need to wait and see. She said she sees no reason for any other medications at this time – like a preventative steroid.

On another note, Evan has been sleeping since 4:00pm. He woke up briefly showed because he was soaked with sweat and then told Jen he was going back to bed. He also has a slight fever. He got a great report from school today…we figure he was not feeling good and therefore did not have the energy to be crazy. ๐Ÿ™‚ Cora was just crying in bed for about an hour, we gave her a little medicine too.

I need a couple healthy months….or weeks….or day!!

At the Doctors

10-Month Checkup

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

William – weight – 21 lbs 5.5 oz (48%tile) and length – 29 3/4 in (78%tile). Will is getting more and more interested in moving. He crawls better and constantly tries to pull himself up, sometimes more successful than other times. He is very happy and likes to clap. There appears to be some teeth ready to come in on top but none have shown through yet. The doctor said all is good.

Cora – weight – 17lbs 4 1/4 oz (11%tile) and length – 27 1/4 inches (20%tile). Peanut!!! We said she is eating though – just moves constantly to burn off the calories she eats. Just tiny. Cora is a mover and shaker. She tries to hold herself up now without the help of other objects – only for a moment or two. She now has 6 teeth in her little mouth.

They had their hemoglobin checked today – doc says it was a little low for both but nothing to be concerned about. Neither look anemic and both are eating well. She said they would just check again at 12 months. Weird that both would be a little low…hmmm.

At the Doctors

Everyone is Healthy

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

And just like that…everyone is feeling better and got a clean bill of health from the doctor at their checkup. All three kids got their ears looked at and their hearts’ listened to (upon Evan’s request to the doctor). Will had to get his chest listened to as he had to use an inhaler for a week due to some congestion in his lungs. Fortunately – everything checked out ok there as well. (The photo was taken at the doctor’s office while we were waiting for the doctor.)

Thankfully during this bout of colds, Amy and I both did not get sick…although we were both exhausted due to the fact someone seemed to wake up in the middle of the night each night. We look forward to some restful nights!

At the Doctors

Everyone is Sick

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Medicine for all!

We went to the doctor on Friday for Evan – he had a low grade fever for several days and then Friday started to complain about his ear. He has a double ear infection and started his antibiotics on Friday night. We also had the doctor check out Cora’s ears and at that point she was fine.

Today we called first thing to make another appointment, this time for Cora and Will. Both have a horrible cough, are not eating too much, sleeping horribly (we are exhausted), I noticed ear pulling yesterday and Will was wheezing yesterday. Quite a list. We went is morning and Will has one ear infected and bronchiolitis (like bronchitis but in babies) and Cora has a double ear infection (remember her ears were fine on Friday.

Anyway…all three kids are now on antibiotics and Will has to use a nebulizer every four hours. They actually did a breathing treatment right in the office for Will – he did not like it at all. We go back tomorrow to have Will checked again.

It has been a long week here….I am actually happy there a reasons for all the screaming. Please hope for a quick recovery for all!!!!

At the Doctors

8 Month Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora and Will had their 8 month appointment this morning. Here are the stats:


  • 16 pounds 7 ounces (18th percentile)
  • 27 inches (45th percentile)
  • head 45cm (85th percentile)


  • 20 pounds 4 ounces (57 percentile)
  • 28.5 inches (72 percentile)
  • head 45.5cm (57 percentile)

The doctor also said they could have soft food, yogurt, soft cheese and
cherios. So they also had their first Cheerios today – they both had one but Cora seemed to want to play with them more than eat them. Probably the only thing she has not put in her mouth in the last few months. Crazy.

At the Doctors

Four Months Old

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The twins turns four months on September 19th – sorry I am a little behind in posting their stats. The doctors appointment went well and the babies are doing pretty good.


  • 12 pounds 11 oz – 25%
  • 24 inches long – 50%


  • 15 pounds 10oz – 90%
  • 26 inches long – 90%

So the doctor was happy and their mouths are getting better too. We have been more onto of the medicine and they are definitely doing better. Cora has actually been eating like crazy.

Unfortunately, lately Will has been spitting up a lot and finally today Denise suggested we call the doctor. He is still eating fine but not really happy most of the day and the spit up is insane. So he is on reflux medicine. The doctor actually thinks he has a bug that is irritating the situation. She feels he should be better and off the medicine by the next doctors appointment. Which will not actually be until 6 months.

The babies are talking like crazy and giggling a little. Cora likes to scream at a very high pitch – it is cute and sweet if it is not at night or early morning and it is not in your ear. Will also has started to talk more. Although, I think he will definitely sit back and let Cora do the talking – that is how it seems now. They have had a lot of good sleeping through the night nits but it is not every night. Still waiting for that. Jen and I are both exhausted most of the time and funny still cannot believe we have three children….but we are getting through it.

If anyone needs a baby fix, let us know – we have not had visitors in a while and the downstairs apartment is available. ๐Ÿ™‚