The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Family


Evan’s Third Christmas Tree

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Our tree and wreath

Our tree and wreath

Last weekend we went out to buy our Christmas tree and even though it was really cold, we found a good tree and a nice wreath to decorate our house. So far Evan has been pretty good about not taking ornaments off and playing with them but time will tell. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Last year about this time Evan could not even walk yet. It is amazing how time flies because it seems like he has been walking forever. Tomorrow Grandma and Grandpa Z are flying in to spend time with Evan during his birthday. Evan will be two on Tuesday!

Family Favorites Firsts Friends

Evan’s Sister Triscuit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

As most people know – Evan lost his first puppy on Wednesday (October 15th). Evan loved Triscuit a lot. He loved taking her for walks, feeding her his table food, playing with her tags, and saying hi and waving to her. Even though Evan could not quite get the name “Triscuit” out – he tried to get the “TR” out and loved when she was around. I am saddened by the fact that Evan will probably not remember Triscuit, but at least we have some good pictures of them together.

Family Firsts News

Evan’s New Cousin: Hunter Thomas Ambrose

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Hunter AmbroseThis morning Evan’s aunt Jule had a baby who she and uncle Dan named Hunter Thomas Ambrose (6lb 9oz born around 3am). I think Hunter looks like Julie – and I look forward to more pictures. We are all excited to meet him and to get to know him. Mommy is excited to teach Hunter all kinds of sweet tricks to make his mom’s life more interesting! Evan will also have fun with another cousin and will surely make family visits more interesting and fun. Thank goodness Julie had her iPhone with her to take this picture! Congratulations Julie and Dan!

Family Friends

Summer Pictures

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan Laughing

Evan Laughing

After a few weeks of not downloading pictures to my computer – I realized I had a lot of photos from this past summer that were not shared on this web site. I have posted new photos from a visit to Eve’s house (Evan’s friend), a visit with Aiden (another of Evan’s friends), Evan working for my company, Evan at his gym class, and Grandma Z’s visit. Enjoy!


Grandma Z Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Grandma Z and Evan

Grandma Z and Evan

Last week Grandma Z was here visiting for a few days and she and Evan had lots of fun. They went to the playground, played in the back yard, went for walks, went to Evan’s swimming class and gym class, read books together, and had a great time watching Evan’s favorite TV shows. A big thanks to Grandma Z for visiting!


The Lost Photo

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I recently went through my phone and noticed I had some pictures that I never posted – like this one which is a perfect “if this is not an Amy face – I do not know what is” pose by Evan on the plane ride home from Disney World back in June. Evan is looking at me like “Not only do I have to sit on a plane for over two hours, I have to sit in my car seat, in my pajamas, and you are taking a picture of me?” There are just sometimes he looks so much like Amy it is crazy. Of course when he does something cool – he looks like me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Family Favorites

Evan’s Family Reunion 2008

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We all had a great time at the family reunion this past year and now there are pictures to prove it. Needless to say – Evan was exhausted after 3 very busy days with his family (his maternal great grandmother’s side of the family). Check out the photos from the 40th annual family reunion…well of Evan at the reunion ๐Ÿ˜‰ Evan did want to note he missed seeing his great grandparents when we were there.

Family Favorites

Fun at the Family Reunion

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Last weekend Amy, Evan, and I made the trek to New York for the 40th Evans’ Family Reunion. We got into town early Thursday morning, and left Sunday. During our time in New York – Evan had a blast. He road on a four wheeler (he had his own seat in the trailer that connects to the four wheeler). He also played in the sandbox, in his log cabin, and on his new slide that his grandpa and great grandfather built for him. He also had a blast with all of his cousins. Evan even entered the water balloon toss and did not come in last! Pictures to come soon!