The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Favorites

Favorites General News

Evan loves the YMCA!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Every Saturday we go to the YMCA for Evan’s swimming class and as soon as he gets close to the pool – he gets a huge smile on his face and loves being in the water. He sports some sweet swimming trunks that Grandma Z bought him with Aunt Kathy’s favorite characters on them – Disney. Amy and Evan get in the pool, sing nursery rhymes and play with some toys. This class is basically to get kids used to the water. After class Evan is exhausted and has been taking a good 2-3 hour nap. I have posted new photos which include Evan and Amy swimming.

Favorites General

I Am Done!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Here is a video taken last night at dinner as Evan was finishing up. You can see his new way of telling us he is done with his meal as well as hear his new favorite word.

Favorites Friends General

new heights, new options.

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments
Triscuit and Evan

Now that Evan is walking more and more, he has found that he can now pull himself up using Triscuit. Triscuit has been really patient with him (I think it is because he constantly feeds her) and Evan has learned to “pet her gently”. I keep telling Triscuit to be patient because I know in a few years Evan will take her for walks and play with her in the backyard!

Favorites Firsts General

i like snow!

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments
Christmas outfit

Evan got a really cool sled for his birthday and finally got a chance to use it in his front yard this week. He liked the snow, the sled, and the snowball Mommy made for him, but he had a hard time picking it up since his mittens do not have a separate compartment for his thumb. Next year we will build a cool snowman together. Check out the other photos of Evan in the snow.

Favorites Friends General

pictures from the babysitter.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has been keeping us busy over the last few weeks! He has all kinds of new tricks. He really enjoys pulling himself up on whatever he can (toys, couches, tables, etc) and likes to now throw things. He also gets a big kick out of snorting (video to come soon) and he absolutely loves balloons. I have included a few pictures from our babysitter who took these in the last two weeks.

Evan Playing Evan Playing Evan and Susan

Favorites General News

i like cheerios!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

It is official, Evan is eating Cherrios and loving them. He can even feed himself a Cherrio or two. He has some issues with getting them off his tray, but you can hand him a Cherrio and he will put it in his mouth (he sometimes forgets to let it go), but it is pretty cute to hear him “chew” it.

Favorites General

evan loves the food network.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I went over to pick Evan up last night at the R’s house (babysitters) and when I walked in the house Evan was in his favorite chair just chilling out with a few people watching TV – more specifically the Food Network. If you know Amy, she is obsessed with the Food Network and watches it like most men watch ESPN. I made my usual comment when I see the Food Network on the TV “Oh, man more Food Network??” – because I can only take so much of this channel. Denise – his babysitter – then told me he for some reason prefers to watch the Food Network when he watches TV. She tried to put cartoons on and he just turned away and looked at her, but one day when she had the Food Network on, he watched it intensely. I got a huge kick out of this…and also realized I needed to get some History Channel time in with Evan so he will like that as well. Before anyone says anything to me about TV watching – I agree too much TV, like anything else, is not good for anyone, but I have no problem with Evan watching some TV during the day.