The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Firsts

Firsts Pre-Birth


Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I cannot believe the amount of movement I am feeling and seeing with these two little ones inside. They are constantly doing something. I do not know if it is pushing each other out of the way or just keeping themselves busy, but my god – it is all the time. I do not mind them moving, but seeing them move is a little disturbing. I just hope none of my students ever notice…cause that is weird.


Evan’s first dentist appointment.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan did such a good job at his appointment this past Saturday – but we did have a few little moments along the way.

First, he wanted nothing to do with the little paper bib.  But we convinced him how cool it is to wear a purple paper bib.

Then, he was a little unsure of the chair when it moved but he got use to it.

The light was another thing, at least they had those great glaucoma-like glasses that he wore.

Dr. Sherman came in and began by counting Evan’s teeth – E did okay but was quite distracted by all of the other stuff in the office. Dr. Sherman was great though and answered all of his questions. I thought the appointment would end there but Dr. Sherman continued with the teeth cleaning – Evan fell in love the Mr. Sucker – the spit sucker. So the doctor continued with the cleaning and every couple teeth made a deal with Evan that he could have Mr. Sucker if he let her clean two more teeth.

Evan’s quote with two teeth left, “No lady, I do not want any more!” It was cute 🙂 and we are so proud of our little guy. As usual.

Family Firsts Holidays Trips

Random Evan Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Here are some random images from my iPhone taken over the last month or so.

The images are from the recent trip to NJ (including a Harley ride in the airport), as well as Evan’s first snowman we made together in the front yard.

Favorites Firsts

My Little Painter

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

E paintingOver the weekend I decided to finally paint the bedroom a new color. Evan got really excited about painting so I let him help me. I gave him a small roller and he did a great job. We went over not painting on any wood, the floor boards, or any of the outlets. He did a good job “going slow” and only going up and down with the roller. I look forward to having him help me more with some future painting projects!

Firsts General

Becoming a Big Boy

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan aka BonoThe last few weeks have been very interesting for me as a parent. Evan now will tell you that his stomach hurts when he has a stomach ache, instead of just saying he wants to watch George (Curious George) he will actually tell you which one (space, vegetables, treehouse, etc), and he actually will pose for you when taking a picture.

He is just about potty trained as well which is really nice. He still wears a diaper when he goes to bed and a pull up when we go out somewhere, but he wears underwear the rest of the time when he is home with us. Most of the time we know he went only by him asking for candy corn (that is what we give him as a reward for going), otherwise he is pretty efficient and proud of it! He is becoming a great little “big boy” – as he calls himself.

Evan at the PlaygroundEvan also loves going to the playground to play with “friends”. Any time there are kids around he calls them “my friends” and loves to run around with them. It is really cool to see him play and interact with other kids as good as he does. It does not really matter what age they are. He loves babies and he recently decided one of our friends’ middle school aged son was his “friend” too. Evan followed him around, ate dinner with him, and was sad when we had to leave. At the playground, he has also decided he really likes the slides (he was not really a fan for a long time), as well as likes to swing on the big boy swings (just the flat no-back swings). Next summer should be fun as he will be most likely be riding his tricycle non-stop and be even more interactive with his little friends.

Firsts Friends Trips

Evan’s First Trip to the Zoo

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

Evan Last weekend, Evan and I met our friend Krista at the Brookfield zoo. This was our first time to the Brookfield zoo ever (not Krista) and we absolutely loved it. Evan was very well behaved the entire time, walked almost the entire way around the zoo, and kept saying “more animals, more animals” as he wanted to see all the animals he possibly could. I think he most enjoyed the sea lions, penguins, and monkeys. Check out the new photos to see more of our zoo fun.

After the zoo, we stopped by our other friends’ house to visit Heather and George. Evan enjoyed seeing his “friends” and slept all the way home.

A big thanks to Krista for the guest passes and spending the day with us!

Family Firsts Trips

First Extended Stay Without Parents

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Growing up – I always enjoyed the week or two my sister and I spent with my grandparents and decided a long time ago that when I had kids – they would do the same thing. This year after our family reunion, Amy and I drove back to Chicago on Sunday and Evan stayed with his grandparents (and great grandparents) until the next Friday. They did all kinds of fun things, got to spend some one on one time with Aunt Julie, Uncle Dan, and Hunter, as well as enjoyed the “forest” where my parents live. Evan asked about us only twice and after my mother said “she is in Palatine” he was fine and ready to move onto the next thing.

A big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Z, as well to Gaga and Papa for spending the week with him!

Firsts News

First Stripe in Taekwondo

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

TaekwondoEvan has been taking Taekwondo for a month now and yesterday at his class – he got his first stripe on his belt. (They give it to kids that complete one month of the class. He was quite excited to get it and wore his belt with pride. He enjoys the stuff he learns in class (mostly stretching, exercises, and an occasional kick or punch move). Classes are not the easiest as he is the youngest in the class and the least likely to listen to the teacher – but he is getting better each class. During the rest of the week Amy and I work with him so that he can actually follow the teacher better at the next class. If anyone wants to see him in action – his classes are on Wednesday mornings at 1030am in Palatine!

Firsts General

The Interesting Twos…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Bed This morning, like many mornings lately, I had to wake Evan up so we could make it to the babysitter’s house on time. He wanted nothing to do with it…so he covered his head with his blanket and kept pulling the covers over his head when I would try and take them off. Amy and I actually joke about this all the time and we both feel like he is sometimes like a teenager when trying to get him out of bed. He will let you pull the covers off, try to pull them back up, and when you keep at it – he then will just try and get his feet covered up…anything to not have to be all the way uncovered. (I find myself doing this as well).

img_0415After I finally got him up and ready for the day – he tried to barter to be able to take his blanket in the car. This is not unusual either. He is a constant barterer in the morning “blanket in the car?” or “truck in the car?” – but this morning I put my foot down…and you can see what I got. I had a laugh to myself though because my parents have a picture of me doing the same exact thing, except I was not face down in a box of blocks, I was face down on my doll’s bed. Fun times for sure. (I took these pictures with my phone which seems to need to be cleaned – so please excuse the haziness.