The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Firsts


A New Skill

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

On Friday evening, while I was at my first recipe party, I got three phone calls from Jen. When I called her back she informed me that Evan had learned a new skill. He climbed out of his crib three times that night. I was not surprised since he is growing so tall so quickly, I was more concerned about the following bedtimes. Saturday night – no problem. We stayed up a little later and E went down without a fuss, but last night was not so easy. I put E down, again a little later than usual, but about 10 minutes later when I was in the shower I heard little feet running all over the house. We watched cartoons for a little while and I tried again, with no success. E was up until 9:15, when he finally began to fall asleep watching cartoons in our bed.
He actually is very good at the skill. He can climb out of the crib without making too much noise at all, he usually gets onto his truck that plays two nursery rhymes – really loud and then exits his room and shuts the door behind him.
Every day is a new day. Hopefully we can figure this one out quickly. 🙂

Firsts Friends

Halloween #2

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Count Evan

Count Evan

Last year Evan did not go trick or treating, but he did pose with his sister Triscuit out in the back yard. This year Evan ventured out in his vampire costume to get some candy with his friends. He met Amy at her school with Denise and her nephew so Amy’s co-workers could see Evan dressed up. He then went to McDonalds where he met up with Susan so she could see him in his sweet costume. A few hours later I picked him up from Denise’s house and took him and Amy out to our friends who have three boys so they could go trick or treating together.

Evan had a good time, did good with going up to get candy but wanted to eat the candy from the previous house while getting candy at the next house. After the trick or treating with friends we went to a Halloween party where Evan enjoyed chasing a new friend about his age around a table, eating ice, and playing with blocks. Check out more photos of Evan’s Halloween experience!

Family Favorites Firsts Friends

Evan’s Sister Triscuit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

As most people know – Evan lost his first puppy on Wednesday (October 15th). Evan loved Triscuit a lot. He loved taking her for walks, feeding her his table food, playing with her tags, and saying hi and waving to her. Even though Evan could not quite get the name “Triscuit” out – he tried to get the “TR” out and loved when she was around. I am saddened by the fact that Evan will probably not remember Triscuit, but at least we have some good pictures of them together.

Firsts General

Big Polite Boy!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday Evan took his first step towards getting potty trained – he actually went to the bathroom in his little potty chair. On another note – on our way home from picking him up at the babysitter’s house, Amy said “Thank you” to Evan for something and he then said “You’re welcome.” We both got a huge kick out of that.

Family Firsts News

Evan’s New Cousin: Hunter Thomas Ambrose

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Hunter AmbroseThis morning Evan’s aunt Jule had a baby who she and uncle Dan named Hunter Thomas Ambrose (6lb 9oz born around 3am). I think Hunter looks like Julie – and I look forward to more pictures. We are all excited to meet him and to get to know him. Mommy is excited to teach Hunter all kinds of sweet tricks to make his mom’s life more interesting! Evan will also have fun with another cousin and will surely make family visits more interesting and fun. Thank goodness Julie had her iPhone with her to take this picture! Congratulations Julie and Dan!

Firsts Friends

Weekend Fall Fun

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evat at the Petting ZooEvan had an exciting weekend last week which included a trip to Didier Farms and to Long Grove’s annual Apple Fest. Evan went to his first petting zoo, had his first taste of cotton candy, and played with some of his friends on Saturday at Didier Farms. On Sunday, we went to Long Gove with Ginny and enjoyed some good food, interesting stores (not so much for Jen), and Evan’s first pony ride which he absolutely loved. During the pony ride he said “wee” and “fun” as everyone went around in circles. I have posted some new photos of the fun event as well.

Firsts Friends

Evan’s First Luau

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan went to his first luau on Sunday (his friend Ginny’s 30th birthday party). Evan enjoyed the food, wondering from one group of people to the next, the drink umbrellas (he likes to say umbrella), and playing in his makeshift pool – a tupperware storage container. Evan enjoyed the cardboard cutout of the people for pictures (what he is with in the picture) – but mostly liked knocking it over and then crawling on the cardboard.

Firsts Friends

Evan’s First Metra Ride

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the weekend, Evan, Denise (his babysitter), and I took the train out to see Susan (Denise’s daughter) who lives about 15 miles away. Lucky for us – she live really close to the train station so we decided to take the train. This was Evan’s first train ride and he had a good time. He met the conductor, said hello to everyone on the train, and enjoyed watching the train approaching the station. We were only on the train for three stops, but it was quite exciting! We look forward to going on the train again soon!



Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Last night Evan decided to wake up at 11pm – which in the summer we have no problem with (every once in a while) because it give us another chance to see our amazing little boy. He was not excited about going back into the crib so he came into our bed for a while….after a few moments I said, “Evan can I have a kiss?”, and he gave me a real kiss on the cheek. It was the cutest thing — I would say ever– but there are so many cute things. The cutest thing in the last week.

Constant grabbing a hand full of dog food and going under the dining room table to eat it has not been so cute, but another event we need to figure out how to stop :). He really likes the new food we are feeding Triscuit. She does steal his food all the time, so I guess he thinks it is his right.