The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Firsts

Family Firsts Trips

Trip to Disney World

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

We had the pleasure of going to Walt Disney World thanks to Aunt Kathy and Grandad Muller. A huge thank you to both of you. We all had a blast! We started out on Sunday night by having dinner with the Winnie the Pooh characters followed by some time in the Magic Kingdom where Evan road his first ride ever: It’s a Small World – and he absolutely loved it. He looked in awe and amazement while we road through the ride and could not get enough.

On Monday we went to Epcot and had dinner where Evan had his first taste of “Pirate Punch” which is raspberry lemonade. He loved it!

On Tuesday we were off to Disney Studios where we road the super cool new Toy Story ride and had dinner with Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Donald Duck, Goofy and Minnie Mouse.

On Wednesday we went back to the Magic Kingdom and Evan enjoyed Dumbo, the tea cups, and other exciting rides.

On Thursday we went to the Animal Kingdom where Evan enjoyed his first Safari!

On Friday we went back to the Magic Kingdom and wrapped up the rides we did not have a chance to go to the other days as well as Evan and Amy enjoyed the pool at the resort we stayed at (Sarasota Springs).

Overall it was a great vacation. Evan got sick the last day, but really was a trooper through it all! Check out the Disney photos!

Firsts News

A Few Notable Occurances

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

In the past week – Evan has done two major things that should be noted.

  1. First Skinned Knee. Evan got his first skinned knee after falling on the cement driveway. A few tears, but nothing crazy.
  2. Evan Can Open Doors. I had to take E to the doctors office and there he surprised me by opening the office door and walking out into the hall while we waited for the doctor. Evan is so tall – he can even reach our dead bolt…but I do not think he is tall enough to turn it. Let the fun begin.

Fun times! I am hoping over Memorial Day weekend we can take him to his first parade as well!

Family Firsts Trips

Flying, Driving, Visiting, Site Seeing in PA

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment
Evan at the hotel

We all enjoyed our trip to Penn State over the weekend! We had a busy few days meeting with old professors, walking around campus, showing Evan all the sites where we hung out and we even saw Joe Paterno only a few feet away! We flew into Pittsburgh then drove over to State College. Evan is very happy to be back home, but enjoyed the trip. He got lots of new clothes and a sweet Nittany Lion toy that he knows his friend Sallie will love! I have posted new photos in the photos section.

Firsts General News

Evan’s First Words

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has been busy the last few months building a vocabulary and I thought I would share it. You will often hear Evan say:

  • ball
  • balloon
  • Mom
  • Mama
  • shoe
  • cheese
  • hi
  • dog
  • boom (when he falls or something drops)
  • no

No is his latest word. We do not think he always uses it in context all the time because there are some times he just repeats it over and over again, but then again, sometimes it sounds like we do the same thing…like when he is in the kitchen and trying to open/grab everything. I will try to get a podcast up in the next week so everyone can hear some of his new words.

Family Firsts General

the florida trip rundown.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan and I went down to Florida last Friday-Monday of this week. I was quite nervous to travel with him alone for one reason – that 2-3 hour flight. He is a big guy and does not like to sit still for too long, especially in a cramped space. We – as luck would have it – got the middle seat on the way down. To the left was the hippy and to the right was the grandmother type. The hippy turned out to be a DJ here in Chicago so we talked a bit about vocal trance and the grandmother to the right let E touch her jacket buttons which kept him occupied for awhile. At the end of the trip, the hippy was making faces at Evan and warming up to him. I thanked the grandmother type for being patient and helpful. Evan was super wiped out from the travel and took a nap all the way to Gaga and Papa’s house. Gaga made Evan waffles and sausage for lunch which Evan enjoyed. We then spent some time just watching Evan walk and crawl around as well as play with whatever he could find. He especially liked Gaga’s doilies.

We took it easy for the rest of the day and Evan slept like a champ. His pack and play was butted right against my bed so it was cute waking up to him tugging at my covers and talking. The next day Dad, Papa, and I went golfing and Evan, Mom, and Gaga went to a craft show and out to lunch. Evan was a hit at the craft show waving and saying hi to everyone. He also enjoyed his lunch (and especially the pickles) with Gaga and Mom. When we got back, my godfather and his wife came over to visit and we got Evan to go in the cool pool that Grandma and Grandpa Z bought for him. He was not too sure about it at first, but eventually he got in and loved it.

The next day we met Gaga and Papa at McDonalds for lunch and then we went down to a lake to look at and feed the birds that Grandpa knew Evan would like. We also went to the mall for a quick stop to get Evan some cool clothes and then we went home to just relax and hang out. Evan was busy making finger print marks on Grandma’s coffee table and drooling on the full length mirrors where Evan was busy talking to his new friend.

The flight back was pretty amazing. I sat next to a wonderful woman who played with Evan, held Evan, and helped me during the entire flight. A big thanks to “Barb”.

All in all it was a great trip! Evan and I are trying to adjust to the Chicago winter weather again, but we are all rested and ready to finish out the week.

Family Firsts

florida pictures.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Evan and the birdsEvan and I spent the last four days in Florida with his grandparents and great grandparents. We all had a great time and enjoyed the nice weather and company. We enjoyed spending time with family, golfing, swimming in the pool, going to McDonalds with Papa and Gaga, and sleeping on the plane. Thanks to my parents and grandparents for everything! Check out the new photos!



Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Yesterday Evan gave me something that was amazing, no not the caramel chocolates for Valentine’s day (although they were good). He gave me his first official hug. We were on the floor together, watching Guiding Light of course, and he crawled over and put his arms around my shoulders and hugged…it was precious. Of course I did not want to let him go. 🙂


evan’s first official walk

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Yesterday Evan took his first official walk. He took about 8-10 steps from one couch to the other. Since then he has taken a few more…walking a little and then falling down. Any day now he will be ready to walk all the time. It is funny because we cheer and then he has to stop and clap along with us. We will try to get some video soon…but I think that is going to be a little more difficult.