The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General


Evan Likes Fish

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan is at the age now where everything is really cool and interesting to him. He loves looking for worms on rainy days, and now dead worms on dry days (on the driveway). He recently had shown new interest in fish. Our friends Phil and Ginny have a pond where they have fish in it as well as a large fish tank in their house that Evan loves to look at.

Yesterday we took him to the pet store to look at fish and he absolutely loved it. We then came home and before bedtime I read him the book “Curious George Goes to the Aquarium” where he was completely fascinated with the story and pictures of the whales, octopus, and penguins.

Perhaps when he gets a little older I will buy him his own fish for his room. (At this point I would be concerned he would either drink the water, dump it out, or take the fish out) ๐Ÿ˜‰



Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Every morning I drive Evan to his babysitter’s house and on the way we always pass lots of cars, trucks, and trains. Evan enjoys riding in the Volvo (he calls it “the Volvo”) and we always “race” the train and cars on our way to the babysitters. We actually never really race, but anytime you have multiple cars going the same way (or a train) Evan thinks it is a race and gets excited.

On Friday I got a call from the babysitter asking me if we race in the car because that afternoon, the babysitter was driving around with Evan in the back and everyone had their windows down. At a stop light Evan said hello to the older man in the car next to him and the man said hello back. Evan then asks him if he wants to race and the older man politely said no thank you – and Evan then said “ok, bye”.

While all this was going on, the babysitter was sitting in the front seat in shock…because Evan was talking to the person next to them and asking them if they wanted to race. We all got a huge kick out of it and are curious what else Evan might say to people next to him over this summer!


Ok, Get Out

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The last few nights Evan has been getting back into a good bedtime routine (travel is hard on him). Each night one of us take him into his room to go to bed, he will get into bed, then tells us to “get in”. He curls up in a ball, snuggles in, and then just when I start to think “ahh this is cute” he tells me “ok, get out” and then falls asleep. It is pretty darn cute ๐Ÿ˜‰


Evan’s Vocabulary

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Every day Evan says something that completely surprises me. I have to attribute Evan’s vocabulary to Denise (his babysitter) and Curious George. The other day Evan and I went outside to play in the backyard. He looked at me said “come on!” and when I asked him where were were going, he said “look for creatures”. I got such a kick out of the fact he used “creatures” and not bugs, worms, animals, etc.


Oh Evan…

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Evan Oh Evan…sometimes Evan just does not want to do what I want to do…and he finds a corner to try and get into so I cannot “get him”. Yesterday morning Evan just did not want to get into the car and so he ran into our bedroom, went around the bed, and tried to squeeze into a tiny space. Crazily enough, his position did not stop me from getting his jacket on and getting him in the car. This is happening more and more as he continues to test us to see how far he can go with things. While it is not bad yet – I hope it does not get too much worse. He is a good, laid back kid and when I see this I just have to laugh at him and not take him too seriously. I do not want him to start using this behavior to get things, as we have all seen where that leads.


Evan’s Car Bed in Action

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan's sweet ride After trying to get Evan to pose on his bed for a few days now (without success) – I decided to just take a picture of his sweet bed so everyone can see it. It is a twin size and he loves it. He often sleeps the wrong way – but he does not seem to care. He also enjoys sleeping completely under the comforter (the “tent”) and loves to get in an out of the bed during the day (and some nights). I really wish I could have had one of these as a kid! *For all those people who make their beds everyday and will look at this and say “she should have made the bed before taking the picture” – I did ๐Ÿ™‚ .

Favorites General News

Evan and the Easter Bunny

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Amy and I dropped Evan off on Saturday evening with our babysitter Denise so that we could go out to a friend’s house for a party. We left Evan there for the night and when we picked him up in the morning – he gave both Amy and I a picture of him and the Easter Bunny as well as a big photo of the occasion to hang up. (Thanks Denise – that was extremely thoughtful!)

At Christmas – Evan was scared to death of Santa and cried hysterically when we took him to see him. This time though – apparently he was super excited, gave him a high five, and was talking to him non-stop. Let’s hope this means this year’s picture with Santa will be more pleasant.

Favorites General

The Amazer!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan amazes me everyday. Yesterday on our way to shop we went past Corner Bakery where we usually eat at no more than once every three weeks – Evan looks out the car window and says “soup”. I was just blown away that he could make that reference when we really do not go there all too much.

On another note – Evan is now also really into Volcanos. While we were in the car yesterday in Wisconsin – we were near what appeared to be either a large factory of sorts or a nuclear plant (I could not see the actual stack because it was far off/behind trees) and Evan looked over and saw the big smoke stack and said “volcano” all excited. Again – I am ust blown away that he can make these references. Last night before he went to bed he and Amy watched a show on the planets. As soon as they showed Mercury (I believe) and the active volcanos on that TV – he once again got excited and started saying “volcano” over and over. He sure loves the volcanos…and keeping both of his moms in surprise with his knowledge!

PS – Happy birthday Amy!

Favorites Firsts General

Evan in the Kitchen

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Taste Tester Evan has recently started volunteering as our official taste tester when we make any sort of cookies. After one failed attempt of making my favorite cookie (Christmas Candy Canes/ Spring Shamrock/Shillelagh Sticks) I decided to make them again and Evan did a great job with cleaning his beater.

Whenever he sees us in the kitchen baking something, he goes into the dining room, grabs a chair, and then moves it to the kitchen so he can stand on it next to us.


Advanced Typing

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

I never took a typing class, but I did always enjoy working with computers…I bet Evan will follow in my footsteps! (This was at Build-a-Bear)