The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General


I Love the Backyard!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This is the first week of Amy’s summer vacation and so far, she and Evan have spent a lot of it in the backyard. Evan absolutely loves walking around, going through the sprinkler, hanging out in the pool and sandbox, and playing on his swing-set. If anyone wants to have a good time outside – Evan is your guide to a fun summer so stop by!


Evan Loves the Sprinkler

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the weekend Amy and I decided to do some yardwork and to entertain Evan – I put on the sprinkler and he loved it. I know – no pictures or video – but this time I just wanted to enjoy it…pictures and videos next time.

I put the water on really low so the sprinkler was at his level and he just kept laughing every time the water went in his face. I cannot wait until we get him a pool!


Mothers’ Day with Evan

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Here at the Muller-Zelazny house we do not usually celebrate “days” like Mother’s Days – we celebrate weekends. This past weekend Evan and Amy went to the Y for another fun time in the pool on Saturday and then spent most of Saturday running errands all over the place. On Mothers’ Day Evan gave Amy a new seat belt purse and me some new golf balls, tees, and a new Wii game after he took us out for breakfast. What a guy! Evan also treated us on Sunday by pouring syrup on the oriental rug so we now have a sweet smelling rug by the couch. We then spent the remainder of Saturday watching the Penn State Blue and White game (their spring scrimmage) and then playing with Evan and the Wii. Fun times were had – too bad the weekend was so short!

Favorites General News

Evan loves the YMCA!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Every Saturday we go to the YMCA for Evan’s swimming class and as soon as he gets close to the pool – he gets a huge smile on his face and loves being in the water. He sports some sweet swimming trunks that Grandma Z bought him with Aunt Kathy’s favorite characters on them – Disney. Amy and Evan get in the pool, sing nursery rhymes and play with some toys. This class is basically to get kids used to the water. After class Evan is exhausted and has been taking a good 2-3 hour nap. I have posted new photos which include Evan and Amy swimming.

General Trips

Random Pictures Taken in March/April

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the last two months, I have taken some photos using my iPhone in random places at random times and decided to post some of them. The picture of Evan and his friends are actually a few of the kids he plays with when he goes to the “alternate” babysitter. Most of the other pictures are from when we went to Penn State a few weeks ago and then the others were taken in the last week. He is hard to get still to take a good picture of because he is constantly on the move or wanting the camera – but check out the new photos!

Favorites General

I Am Done!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Here is a video taken last night at dinner as Evan was finishing up. You can see his new way of telling us he is done with his meal as well as hear his new favorite word.

General News

The Newest YMCA Eember: Evan!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

(sing) It’s fun to stay at the YMCA…so Evan is now officially a member of the YMCA (and has his own picture ID). He is signed up for a swimming class starting this weekend and we look forward to enjoying classes throughout the summer. Good thing he has some super sweet swim trunks!


Getting on the Couch

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

In the last week or so Evan has realized he can just about pull himself onto our couch. He will go up to the couch, swing one leg up, and then try to pull himself up which has been unsuccessful so far…but he practices over and over every night. It is almost like a game to him at this stage because he knows Amy and I will pull him up all the way. After he is up on the couch, he sits there for a second and down he goes…only to swing his leg back up so you will pull him back up. Fun times. It i just hard to believe he is getting big enough to get on the couch when last year at this time he could not even sit up. Time flies!