The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General

Firsts General

Yoda and the Racer

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment


Evan and Triscuit both tried on their Halloween costumes yesterday so we could snap a few pictures. Of course, Yoda was more interested in eating the pumpkin stem than trying to train Triscuit to use the light saber, but at least Triscuit ran a few laps to show off her “racer” costume. Check out the new photos!

Firsts General

evan’s first pair of crocs.

Posted by: jzelazny | 7 Comments


We were shopping over the weekend at Whole Foods and saw a cute little pair of crocs that just about fit Evan so we bought them for him. He is still getting used to shoes, but he looks pretty darn cute in them!

Firsts General

evan likes to share.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This morning Evan and I were hanging out and he was playing with one of his teething toys. He chewed on it for awhile, pulled it out of his mouth, got a big smile on his face, then tried to put it in my mouth. I pretended to chew on it, then he put it back in his mouth. A few minutes later, did the same thing again – each time just smiling like it was the coolest thing ever. For those 1980s children out there like me – it was a real Sloth and Chunk moment. (Mom – if you do not understand the reference, ask Dad.)

Firsts General

evan and triscuit.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Evan and Triscuit

Last night Evan decided to crawl over into Triscuit’s bed – which is not very unusual, but what was unusual was that Triscuit, seeing him in the bed, decided to go over and lay in it with him. Evan sat up and enjoyed some cat toys while sitting close to her sister. No growls, fur pulling, or anything crazy – which is what we have been looking forward to for the last few mobile months.


evan knows technology.

Posted by: jzelazny | 4 Comments

IF you have ever been to our home, you know we have a pretty complicated TV/receiver/TiVO/DirecTV set up which uses two remotes because I have never been able to get the DirecTV remote programmed for TiVO. Last night Evan was playing with the DirecTV remote (I swich it to AV2 which should not control anything) and the next thing I know, I start hearing TiVO noise. I then took the remote from him and realized I have complete control over TiVO with the remote…and it took Evan to show me. I expected I might have some competition with staying up with the latest technology, but I did not expect it to happen so soon. I better put in some extra time with my video games now so I know I still have a few years before he shows me up.


too excited to sleep.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Josh came over this evening to babysit since Jen went to the Cubs game (Happy Belated Birthday Susan) and I went to dance. Evan was so excited to have Josh at the house that he did not want to go to bed. He screamed for a little while and then finally went down at about 7:05 and I of course flew out of the house to get to dance. Thank you Josh for helping out and sorry about the screaming!


grandma and grandpa z visit.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Grandma Z and Evan

Last week, Grandma and Grandpa Z came to visit for a few days. When they were here, they enjoyed taking him to some stores, taking walks, giving Evan baths, and watching him play. We have posted some new photos in the photos section so be sure and check them out.