The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General


fun at the babysitters!

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Since Amy went back to school, Evan has been at his babysitter’s house almost every day. We recently got some pictures showing us some of his favorite times…eating donuts and relaxing in the hot tub. Perhaps I should go to the babysitter’s house too!

Evan and his donuts I did not see a rainbow! Relaxing The hot tub

Friends General

visiting with great aunt kathy!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Aunt Kathy

A big thanks to Aunt Kathy for coming out to visit us for a few days. We had a lot of fun playing, starting to crawl (only towards Triscuit and her bones), taking walks, and discovering a really cool playground a few blocks away. It is always nice to have family visit…and no visit is complete without a trip to Wildfire. Evan sat in a high chair and behaved like a nice gentleman! Check out the new August photos!

Firsts General

mommy was right…all things swedish are great!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Evan at IKEA

Evan, Aunt Kathy, and I went to IKEA and I have to say – I was a little worried about how he would do because it is such a zoo – but he absolutely loved sitting in the cart and looking at all the stuff and people. He did not cry once and was completely fascinated by the entire trip. Thanks to Kathy for her cart driving skills in a high traffic store.


the fake cough.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I think Evan has discovered “how to cough” in the last two days because he has been enjoying faking us all out by “fake coughing”. It is very dramatic and he smiles after he does it. When we first heard all this “coughing” we were concerned he had something in his throat, but you can tell he is just having fun with it now – and does it for attention. Personally, I think he realized his aunt Julie is a doctor and kids go to doctors when they cough…so he was hoping to see his aunt Julie!

Firsts Friends General

my first boat ride.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Evan and Kelly

Last weekend, we went to Lake Carroll. Some of our friends have a lake house there and we went up on Friday to spend some time with them and relax. Evan enjoyed his time at the lake house and even had his first boat ride. He had to wear a life jacket which was quite hot, and by the time the boat got moving – he was pretty tired so he napped, but he looks forward to boating again! Be sure to check out the summer photos.

General News

almost crawling.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

While we were at our Kindermusik class today Evan got so close to crawling. He actually did a downward dog with his butt all the way up in the air with his legs straight. He can get his legs into position now but is not really sure what to do with his arms. I would expect him crawling any day now (the animals have been officially warned). I have also been trying to get some pictures of all his teeth, but as soon as he sees the camera, his mouth shuts. Hopefully I can catch him smiling this weekend!


i like kindermusik.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

For the past month or so every Friday we all go to a 45 minute class called Kindermusik. There are somewhere around 7-10 kids with their mom(s) that participate at our local park district. When we first started taking Evan to the class, I was not sure if he was old enough to know what was going on or if he liked it, but over the weeks it is clear that he likes the music and interaction with the other kids. If you are unfamilair with Kindermusik – check out the link to find more information.


more reunion pictures.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

I posted more pictures of the trip home last night – these from my phone. There are some great shots of Evan in the car and Evan with Papa and Gaga. Check out the new pictures!

Firsts General

Evan’s First Evans Family Reunion

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

The familyAs most people know, Evan was named after his Great Gaga’s maiden name Evans. Every year (for the last 39 years) that side of the family comes together for a Friday-Sunday reunion which everyone looks forward to all year long. This year was a very special year because Evan got to meet the side of the family he was named after. We had a lower than usual turnout (only 40 some) but everyone loved him and he did a great job with all the people. It was also very special since he got to experience his Great Gaga and his Mom win the highly coveted euchre tournament. I have posted some pictures from the big event so enjoy!