The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General


Evan Loves Puppies

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and WishFor the past two weeks, Amy and I watched our two friends’ greyhounds Wish and Gopher. Neither one of the dogs had ever been around babies, and Evan had never seen a brindle greyhound – both were in for a real treat. Wish and Gopher were very well behaved and within a few days Gopher and Evan were best friends. Whenever I would bring Evan into his room to get changed or to take a nap, Gopher followed and laid down on Evan’s floor. When I put Evan on the floor in my office, Wish came over and sat next to him (that is Wish in the picture). All in all, they were great house guests and they really made Evan’s eyes light up when he saw them. PS – I have posted a few recent pictures – they were just too cute.

Firsts Friends General

evan’s first instant message.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today, while working, I received my first instant message from Evan. He is over at our friends’ (Doug and Kelly) house for the next few days while Amy is still at school. Since he was out of the office, I am sure he just wanted to check in. A very informal message popped up from him via Kelly’s IM account:


followed by a:


I better get back to work before I receive more instructions from the VP that I do not understand. Sound familiar? Crazy upper-management at it again.


i like the mirrror.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan recently got a new toy at his babysitter’s house – one of those toys where the baby stands up and has access to a number of toys/buttons/etc within his reach. After a few days of being in this new toy, our babysitter told us that the only “toy” he was interested in was the mirror. She showed me how he just stared at it, and when she moved him away from it, he would look back at the mirror instead of the new toy in front of him. Apparently people have been telling him he is cute!

Firsts General

Updated Pictures

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Amy, Evan, and Jen

Grandad M, Grandma Z and Grandpa Z spent some time with Evan over the last two weeks and here are the pictures to prove it! It is hard to believe he is almost six months old. He now enjoys eating solid foods, sleeping with his blanket from Aunt Julie, baths, and talking. The new photos are available in the photos section.


happy memorial day!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We have had a very busy and exciting past two weeks with Grandad Muller and Grandma and Grandpa Z here. Once things settle down tomorrow I will post some new pictures of the visits! We wanted to thank everyone for coming out and spending time with Evan. He had a lot of fun and was quite excited to spend some time with family. Evan looks forward to the summer so he can spend some time with Grandma M as well as with Gaga and Papa!


sneaking a peak.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

When I was home with Evan for fifteen weeks, I would put him to bed or down for a nap and not really think about going in and checking on him. But I have been back at work for a few weeks now and I am happy to be back, but do I miss seeing our little guy. On my ballet nights, I leave before he is awake and get home after he has gone to bed so I do not even see him. I think it is funny how I go into his room, put my head on the edge of the crib and just stare at him. I am glad he is too young to realize what I am doing because he would probably think I was/am crazy. He is just so adorable and I cannot get enough of him…I think I may go sneak a peak now :).

Favorites General

evan loves the food network.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I went over to pick Evan up last night at the R’s house (babysitters) and when I walked in the house Evan was in his favorite chair just chilling out with a few people watching TV – more specifically the Food Network. If you know Amy, she is obsessed with the Food Network and watches it like most men watch ESPN. I made my usual comment when I see the Food Network on the TV “Oh, man more Food Network??” – because I can only take so much of this channel. Denise – his babysitter – then told me he for some reason prefers to watch the Food Network when he watches TV. She tried to put cartoons on and he just turned away and looked at her, but one day when she had the Food Network on, he watched it intensely. I got a huge kick out of this…and also realized I needed to get some History Channel time in with Evan so he will like that as well. Before anyone says anything to me about TV watching – I agree too much TV, like anything else, is not good for anyone, but I have no problem with Evan watching some TV during the day.