The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General


two month photos.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Evan Smiling

Amy and I have been busy trying to capture some new photos and we finally posted them in the photos section. If you have not done so already – check out the new photos. He is smiling more and more everyday. On Saturday when I went to get him in the morning from his crib – as soon as he saw me – he got a big smile on his face…a very special moment!

Firsts General

Evan’s First Old Orchard Experience

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well, today we decided we would take Evan to his first North Shore shopping experience at Old Orchard. First up: Tiffany & Company. Amy did her browsing online before we left so that we could go in and out as quickly as possible, but Evan was not happy. His first Tiffany’s experience was not a pleasant one at all. My guess is he was upset because no one got him the silver rattle. There is still time! We tried a few other stores but he was not a happy camper so we left Old Orchard and drove home. I told Amy, at the very least we would have a good story about his first Tiffany’s experience to tell his fiance/wife (if he wants to get married).


“the doctor said I am perfect”

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We went to the doctors office today for Evan’s two month appointment and of course the doctor said he is perfect. He is now 12lb 14oz and is 24 inches long. Jen likes to say that he is two feet and almost half way to Aunt Julie’s height :). He was fabulous at the doctors and only got upset when the nurses gave him his three shots. He was crying so hard the nurse had to tell him to breathe before she injected the third shot. Funny thing – there have been times when I have cried so hard that Jen has told me to breathe – like moma like son.
Evan got over the shots pretty quick and when we got home we all took a family walk together – Jen, Triscuit, Evan and myself – the cats chose to stay home. It was beautiful out and great to get out together. He did get a little fussy around 3:30 and we gave him a little Tylenol (as the doctor suggested it) and he felt a little better – it was so sad to see him so sad. We gave him his bath, dinner and he is soundly sleeping now :).


Two Months Old

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

It is hard to believe that two months have already gone by since Evan was born. Personally, I have enjoyed every minute of the last two months and am excited for many more. Evan is absolutely wonderful and a joy to spend time with – even when he starts to cry loudly when I try and watch Guiding Light (or anything else I TiVo). He is sleeping through the night, eating well, smiling, enjoying baths, and playing with his toys.

Friends General

week six.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Great Aunt Kathy and Evan

Evan’s sixth week of life was a very exciting one. Evan experienced his first Super Bowl, he met his Great Aunt Kathy, and met his first true southerner (Francine). We are very happy to have Kathy stay with us and hope she comes back soon! I have posted some new pictures in the photos section.

Firsts General

first super bowl!

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments
Evan Smiling

We could not asked for a better first Super Bowl match up for Evan…the Bears v. The Colts. This morning when I was feeding him at 430am (his first feeding since he went to sleep) I told him he needed to rest up for the Super Bowl and he let out a big smile. (He could also have smiled because his Great Aunt Kathy is here to visit him too) Fortunately – he just smiled again and I was able to catch it with the camera. Go Bears!

Firsts General

we have a smiler!

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

A few days ago Evan started smiling when he was doing or seeing something he likes. Amy has been trying to get a picture of this, but has not been successful yet. Last night, Evan was up later than usual and so he was awake when Amy got home from ballet. Sure enough as soon as he saw her he got a big smile on his face and it was the cutest thing ever. Hopefully we can get a picture of his “all gum” smile.


enjoying formula.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

After a few days now switching between formula and milk, Evan is eating like a champ. We have been so fortunate with his calm, cool way of life so far. He has three different bottle types and does not care which we use. He can easily go from milk to formula back to milk without any issues – and we do not warm either up! Below are a few recent pictures.

Evan Hanging Out With MomaEvan in His Big Boy Outfit Evan in His Swing


one month doctor visit.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

We made our way to the doctor today for Evan’s one month checkup. Everything went well and Evan is fabulous as usual. He is 9lb 10oz (50 percentile) and 22 1/8 inches (75 percentile) in height. I was concerned about the 50% weight, but the doctor was very happy with his weight gain and was not concerned at all. I guess the percentiles do not mean too much. Evan also got his second injection of his Hep B vaccine. He was not too happy about it, but he was also tired and hungry….so we did not blame him for crying. He fell asleep right when he got into his car seat (we call it his pilot seat).
We plan to begin with a little formula over the next few days…so advice is welcomed.