The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General


one month.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Wow – I cannot believe it has been one month since Evan was born. He is a pretty amazing baby and we are so happy! We know that we are so lucky to have him and are thankful that things have not been too hard to adjust to. Thank you to all of our friends and family members who have helped in the past month.


evan cheers for the bears!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We can hardly believe that Evan is almost one month old and that Rex Grossman, the Bear’s QB, did not lose the game for us today. To celebrate the victory, I have uploaded some random pictures of Evan from this past week (see photos). Go Bears!


almost one month old.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We can hardly believe it but Evan is almost one month old. He had another good night of sleep last night and actually went to bed easy tonight. Here are some pictures from the last few days since Grandad Muller came to town.
Stop with the pictures!
Grandad Muller


good sleeper.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Last night Evan surprised us with a seven hour sleep session last night from around 9pm to 4am. He then ate some food and slept for another four hours. While we are quite excited to have him sleep so much, I still tend to wake up every two to three hours and listen for his little grunts and coos. We hope to have another good night tonight!

Firsts General

first bottle.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

After not seeing Evan all day yesterday (he was sleeping when I left in the morning and sleeping when I got home), I really wanted to spend time with him when he woke up for his night feeding. Amy and I were planning on waiting until he was three weeks old to introduce a bottle, but we gave it a shot last night. At first Evan just started screaming when I tried to put it in his mouth, but after I calmly explained that he needed it to grown and be strong like the Penn State football players, he took it and actually went through two bottles. We were so proud of him.


our first day alone.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today is our first official day as a family home alone. So far so good. I am very lucky today is Jen’s work at home day – so she is here with us – which is great. Evan of course is a wonderful boy so he is not too hard to take care of, but it has been nice to have other people around so I/we can still get some stuff done throughout the day. We have confidence in ourselves as parents and many friends nearby who are willing to help and who have helped over the last two and a half weeks. Thank you to every one!
A big thank you goes out to Grandmom Zelazny who has been staying with us over the last few weeks – she really helped us get through those first few days with Evan. And we await the arrival of Grandad Muller who will be in on Saturday. Evan is excited to meet Grandad!

General Just Evan

following our voices.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

With every day that passes we notice new things about our little boy Evan. Over the last day or so we have noticed that he will now follow our voices when we talk to him. He will move his little blue-brown eyes to the sounds. Unfortunately, his neck is still not strong enough (although stronger than it was) to help him move his head, but his eyes will follow. He is also eating all the time (even more today – growth spurt?) so we have noticed that his face is filling out a bit and he is definitely growing. Every day brings so many changes in our lives – crazy.

General Just Evan

Late Night Boy

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well it seems we have a son who enjoys staying up late – wish we were the same way. The last few nights Evan has decided to get a burst of energy from 8 to about 12 and then pass out sometime after midnight. At that point Evan will then sleep for several hours so we are partly happy. Last night we got 5 good hours of sleep from midnight to 5am but I just wish he would begin his sleep time a little earlier.
On another note – we went for another doctor checkup this morning. Evan’s weight is up to 7 pounds 1 ounce and his color is looking good. So we do not need to go back until his one month checkup. Which makes us happy!