The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General

General Just Evan

slept through the night.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Well in comparison to the first night, Evan did great last night. Evan went to sleep around 10pm and we were happy when we did not hear any crying for ten minutes. He woke up for a few feedings before morning came – 12:30am and 4:45am – but unlike his first night home, he was able to go back to sleep afterwards. He seems to not mind his crib – even though he spit-up a little on the cute little dinosaur sheet…but I guess we will get use to that. We just are so happy and he is so cute. We could not have asked for anything more :).
Today will be his first bath – sponge bath that is. Stay tuned.

Firsts General Just Evan

evan’s first night home.

Posted by: jzelazny | 6 Comments

Was it the new room, the new noises, the abundance of food, or is this how you were in the hospital nursery at night and we did not know it? Amy and I put Evan to bed last night around 10pm in hopes that a quick diaper change and feed would be all he needed to sleep well. After laying in his big boy crib for five minutes, he started screaming. Amy picked him up and took him in the livingroom and got him to sleep for a few hours, but then the screaming started again. Amy and I tried everything, but it took my mother being here – with her patience and a warm burp cloth – to finally calm him down. I just hope that tonight goes better. 😉

Firsts General Just Evan News Videos

Evan is Home!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan on his way homeAfter a long day of waiting to be discharged – Amy, Evan, and I made it home. I have uploaded a quick video taken with my camera. I will dust off the video camera tomorrow after we get some rest and start uploading some videos so we can start populating the videos section. I thought it would be appropriate to have his first video be of him sucking his thumb ;). He is adjusting to his new home very nicely. Pita is excited that Amy is home, Salsa loves the new friend, and Triscuit is still a little confused. Evan grabbed Triscuit’s nose at one point while she was smelling Evan at one point and it was very cute. No growling, no snapping…both are doing a lot of resting. To celebrate our first night home together, we ordered pizza from Lou Malnatis!

Firsts General Just Evan News

welcome evan!

Posted by: jzelazny | 5 Comments

On Friday (December 15th), Amy awoke at 1210am because of her water breaking. We calmly (really) got everything together (Amy even took the time to water the Christmas tree) and off to the hospital we went. We called our immediate family (Susan included) and told them the exciting news. When she got there, the nurses put us into a labor and delivery room to start the fun. We put on U2’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” and settled in for what we thought would be a long night and day. Susan arrived around 3am with a basket full of goodies (Coca-Cola included) and some fun gifts for me (Jen). By 530am, the doctor was called. At 610am the doctor had Amy start pushing. At 648am Evan was born. He is wonderful and perfect, and more than we could have ever hoped for. I have uploaded the photos for everyone to check out in the photos section. Thanks for everyone’s love and support!

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

getting closer.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

My appointment on Tuesday went well. My doctor informed me that I am 3cm dilated, which could mean I can go any day or still be waiting in a week or two. So really it tells us nothing. Although, today at school was the most uncomfortable I have felt since all this started. Just walking across the room was not comfortable and I just feel like I am going to be heading to the hospital soon. Honestly, I have no idea….all I do know is today was not like the other days that I have experienced thus far. But like I have been telling everyone…I cannot complain, things have been going so well (knock on wood). We are very excited and ready whenever things do start to happen. Be ready for the phone call or email!

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

dance surprise shower!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Amy is still going to dance a few times a week and enjoying it. Last night when she showed up her fellow dancers and their families threw her a surprise shower with cake and gifts. We are very thankful for everyone who has supported us and who have been so generous. We surely never expected it, but greatly appreciate it! Evan is a lucky boy!

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

week 38 appointment.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well, it is getting closer and closer to the big day. Amy called me today and told me that she had a good doctor’s appointment and that she had already had some contractions. (the doctor could tell, but Amy could not). Now, every time the phone rings, I think it is Amy telling me to meet her at the hospital. 😉

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

jen’s surprise shower!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
Shower Cake

When I took the train downtown on Friday I had no idea what the day would bring. I thought it would be like any other Friday in the office downtown, but I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into the conference room to find out that my co-workers had surprised me with a baby shower. A big thanks for all those that helped planning it and keeping it on the down low from me. I have posted the pictures from it in the photos section.

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

bags packed!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well, Amy and I (mostly Amy) packed her bag yesterday so we are one step closer to being ready. I think we overpacked, but being first time parents we are not sure exactly what Amy will need/want. We have a few outfits for Evan ready to go – one is the one I wore when I came home from the hospital, and a few others if that does not fit him. Amy also packed comfortable clothes, some music (Madonna – of course), slippers, and her beauty products. I will be all set with the clothes I walk in with because there is a Coke machine nearby ;). What else would I need?