The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General

General News

new photos now available.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments
Nittany Lion mobile

I added the shower pictures to the web site, thanks to my mother. A huge thanks to our hosts for doing a fabulous job! I also took a few new pictures of the nursery to share. This weekend we are going to go and buy shelves and put them up so we can get all his toys and stuffed animals off the floor and changing table. It is unbelievable how much stuff Evan has already…he already has more clothes than I do. ๐Ÿ˜‰

General News

new photos section.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

After getting more than a few photos posted I realized I would need some sort of album/gallery option for the photos section. I decided to go with something that would be easy for Amy and I to use as well as something that looked nice. Take a look at the new photos section.

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

week 36 doctor visit and ultasound.

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

About a week ago, I started to freak out because I thought for sure that the doctor got it wrong and that Amy and I would find out Evan was actually a girl…so I was quite excited to see the ultrasound today. Thankfully, it was again confirmed that Amy is for sure having a boy and that all of our blue clothes, and nursery items will be used ๐Ÿ˜‰ Amy had not had an ultrasound for sixteen weeks so we were both excited to see how much Evan has grown. As of today, it is estimated (through measurements taken during the ultrasound) that Evan weighs 6 pounds 7 ounces. The nurse said that could mean an 8 pound baby if he goes full-term. Whoa! (Amy is feeling bigger by the minute!) Evan’s heartbeat is strong and the doctor was very pleased with everything she saw. Check out the newest pictures!

Evan's head in profile Evan's mouth Evan's little foot Evan's head

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

our shower.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

On Saturday our best friend Susan and her mother Denise threw us an amazing shower. Everything about the day was great and planned out wonderfully. So many of our friends and family members were able to attend and we received so many amazing gifts – we are so thankful. Jen and I are overwhelmed with the thoughtful gifts and congratulations we received from everyone. We cannot wait for little Evan to join us and we look forward to all of you being a part of his life!! A huge thank you to all!!!

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

meeting with the pediatrician.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This has been a very busy week! Amy and I met with our pediatrician on Monday in order to make sure we were comfortable with the doctor as well as to ask any questions we might have about office hours, immunizations, after hour “emergencies”, etc. We were happy to see that the office staff was pleasant, that there was a separate waiting room for sick kids, that the practice has seven doctors on staff, and the office in general was modern and very clean. Of course Amy came loaded with several questions, even had certain questions highlighted ๐Ÿ˜‰ and the doctor spent time with us answering everything we asked. We walked away feeling confident about our doctor choice and thankful that the office is located close to our house!

General Just Evan Pre-Birth

second birthing class.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Amy and I completed the Red Cross Childbirth Education class today after our second seven hour day. We again learned a lot, mostly about what to expect post birth such as:

  • what to expect after the birth for Amy
  • how to swaddle a baby
  • how to change a diaper
  • what to expect when breast/bottle feeding and what to do when things go wrong
  • how to make your child proof your house
  • what to expect from your pediatrician

We are going to meet with our pediatrician tomorrow to see what she is like and to ask her any questions we might have. I am very glad we went to these classes as I feel we will be more prepared and know what to expect much more so than if we did not go to the class. The instructors were great (R.N.’s) and we would highly recommend this class for any of our friends!

General Just Evan Pre-Birth


Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well as the days pass…I feel like I am getting bigger and bigger. Evan is growing like crazy – or must be because I feel like he is really pushing to get out. I still have 7 weeks to go and hopefully I can make it that long. I was so good for so many weeks and now I just feel like he is growing and I am not big enough for him. He is going to be excited to get out and finally have room to stretch out :).

Firsts General Just Evan Pre-Birth

first birthing class.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Amy and I spent almost the entire day yesterday at our American Red Cross Birthing Class, part one of two. We did not think it could possibly be seven hours long, but it was…and I was not bored for one minute. This is a great class to take if you have the chance (and are expecting). We learned:

  • what to call the doctor for
  • when to call the doctor once the contractions begin
  • where to go within the hospital (and where to park)
  • what to expect once you get to the hospital
  • the advantages and disadvantages to epidurals
  • how to relax (no problem for me since I am always relaxed)
  • other miscellaneous information

The class was given by a nurse on staff at the hospital Amy will give birth at and it was great to see that she truly loved what she did and that she really enjoyed working at this particular hospital. We watched several actual births, both “regular” and C-sections and learned multiple coping techniques to get through the contractions. We have a second class to attend next week and I look forward to that as well. By going to the class, not only will we be certified via the Red Cross (helpful when/if Amy needs a C-section…this will allow me to be present), but we also will have all of our pre-admission paperwork taken care of so we will have one less thing to worry about.

General Just Evan

week 32 doctor visit.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

My appointment went well today. I am feeling good and continuing to gain weight – I am now up to 144 (I have gained about 24 pounds). Quite a change from my usual 118-120 – that I have known since college. I just hope it all leaves easily once Evan has joined us in our home. The doctor measured me and listened to Evan’s heart rate – all is good.
We also talked a little about cord blood banking…I do not know. If anyone has any thoughts or opinions feel free to reply and leave us your ideas. At this point, we do not think we are going to bank the cord blood.
This coming Sunday we have our first of two marathon childbirth classes – 8:30-3:30. We will give you an update after that class…hopefully it moves quickly :). We are so excited about Evan’s room coming together…we cannot wait to get the other items necessary to complete the room – a few wall decorations, curtains, mattress, and more!!

General Just Evan News

the nursery furniture has arrived.

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments
the nursery

We finally got the nursery furniture delivered today and it looks great. The delivery and assemblers showed Amy how to adjust the crib height so she could “show her husband” – which we got a laugh out from, but other than that we are very happy with everything. The crib is a “convertible” as it converts to a full bed when Evan is ready for a big boy bed.I have posted a few more pictures of the furniture in the photos section. Now it is time to possibly re-arrange and actually start putting items into the dressers.