The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: General

Firsts General

We’ve Got Smiles

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

The last few weeks we have been enjoying more sleep (the twins generally get up at 3/4am and then again around 7/8am) as well as a lot of smiles. Cora definitely smiles more than Will, but it seems like Evan can always make either one of them smile by making funny faces or by tickling their toes. Here are a few pictures of the smilers.


Managing Wake-Ups

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

A lot of people had opinions and comments about how to handle the first few months of handling mid-night wake-ups. Fortunately we had a lot of help from family and friends (thanks!) the first two months. We tried shifts, nights on/off/pick a twin/wake them together, and all seemed to work ok – but it was still hard due to the frequency of the feedings. (Generally every 2.5 hours for the first 2 months).

In the last few weeks Amy and I have decided to rotate each night with picking Will or Cora which has been working out great. With Will – you can usually expect him to wake up earlier at night, and sometimes have a hard time going to sleep after the 7ish AM feeding – but you know he is a good eater and will make the feedings really quick.

Cora on the other hand will generally sleep longer, but she can sometimes be more of a challenge to feed. There are some definite benefits with both. Now that it is easy to tell who is crying – I think this way of waking up works great and I am glad we finally found something that works out for both of us.

Anyway – that is how we decide who is getting up during the night 😉


Busy Times…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I think about posting things to both this blog and Evan’s but by the time I get a moment – the last thing I want to do is sit in front of a computer…not to mention we have been without our camera for a few weeks (it got left in NY). I am going to try and carve some time into my day at least once a week for both sites – so expect some more frequent updates.



Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has always loved my headbands – and he has alway taken them and put them on himself to wear. Well the other day he put my headband on and told every one that he needed to do his exercises. So he started to do what sort of appeared to be jumping jacks. It was pretty funny…I took a few shots and a video, which will be up soon. Not sure where the exercising came from, but he was definitely into it.


Picture Update – Finally

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I have finally gotten around to posting new pictures of Will and Cora. If you click on Year one – there are several new groups of pictures. Check out our little ones over the last few weeks.


Riding the tricycle

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has had his tricycle since his first birthday, but he has never really been too excited about riding it…until his new friends next store were out on their bikes and Grandma decided to help Evan ride. Grandma Zelazny tied some rope around the handle bars to help him peddle and she pulled him along to get the hang of the steering and ride. He did a great job and actually enjoyed riding the tricycle, which is the first time we have seem him excited to ride.
Thanks Grandma for the good idea and helping Evan get the hang of the tricycle.

Now we figured out he is a little big for the tricycle, which is why he has had trouble peddling…guess it is time for a big boy bike.

Pictures of the riding.

Firsts General


Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will and Cora have been getting bigger as the days go by. We measured their weight and they are both already 7 pounds. There legs are filling out, they hold their heads a little stronger, their newborn outfits are fitting a little tighter, and Cora has a nice little double chin forming. We go back to the doctor on the 22nd for the official update. But with their weight gain and changes, they are staying awake a little more, which allows for some “playtime”. We have brought out the play mat and give them a chance to have some tummy time and back time playing under the fun toys. They still have pretty random arm movements, Cora more than Will, so they do hit the toys whether they mean to or not.

Check out some other shots of playtime.

Firsts General

Week 1

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Sorry we have not been as up-to-date with our blog posting as we would like, but washing bottles and doing laundry has been taking most of our time. When we are not doing those two chores, we are either feeding babies or holding babies or trying to relax a little. Will and Cora are fabulous babies, but they still demand a ton of your time and then add Evan on top and we are all busy 98% of the day. But I did want to get some shots posted from the past two weeks. Can you believe that the twins are almost three weeks old??

Week 1 pictures


Testing Out the Supplies

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has been helping us test out all the baby supplies. He gets a kick out of the toys, car seats, etc. He has been busy playing with all they baby toys as they come up from the crawl space. We are all excited for the babies to come…and I think Evan is really excited – even if just to get another round of playing in with all his old toys and accessories.

PS Aunt Julie – he was being very gentle in cousin Hunter’s car seat. 😉