The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Just Cora

Just Cora

Cute Cora

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

There are sometimes when the light looks perfect for taking photos – and I happened to catch one of these moments while feeding Cora last Sunday.

Just Cora

“Cora Was a Bad Girl Today”

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This is what I heard when I picked the kids up today. You might be thinking….how can this be said about a little girl with such a sweet smile? Denise shared the story….both babies had a bad sleeping day, not too much sleep. So Will was sleeping in the vibrating chair and she finally gave up on trying to get Cora to sleep so she was crawling around the room….until she started heading for Will. She crawled right over to Will, pulled herself up onto the vibrating chair (she is actually pulling herself up on quite a bit), and strting hitting Will – which of course woke him up in a not so friendly way. So then both babies are crying and not too happy…but still really cute :).

Firsts Just Cora

Cora is Crawling

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora has decided it is time to move and boy has she got it down. She is heading all over the house, thankfully not to quick yet. She started with just some downward dog movements and some rocking but she is definitely moving…even trying at times to pull herself up on stuff.

We have a feeling she will be walking before her first birthday in May. She enjoys exploring the dog/cat water dish in the kitchen, her brothers bedroom and she just crawled into the bathroom while I was bathing William. She is such a cutey – crawling around and then looking up at you with that huge smile :). Movie to come.