The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Just Will

Just Will

Too Young for Chores?

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

If the stool is anywhere near the kitchen he is on it and looking around. I think Will might be ready to start doing some dishes soon.

Firsts Just Will

First to Walk

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Second to be born, second to crawl, second to get any teeth, but first to walk. Will took his official first few steps in sequence today multiple times. I am sure his sister will not be too far behind but for now he is quite excited to try walking.

Good job Will!

Just Will

Will’s New Obsession

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will is a speed crawler. He can go being stationary to being across the room and down the hall in a matter of seconds. About two weeks ago we found if we did not close the bathroom doors he would go in and unravel the toilet paper. While that was sort of cute, the next step for him was to then stuff the toilet paper in his mouth and eat it – which was not so cute. We have been a lot better with keeping the doors shut, but the other day when someone was over – they left the door open and after a few minutes of not seeing Will – I tracked him down in the bathroom with about 3 feet unraveled and a big mouthful. Oh Will…

Just Will

Will and Mommy

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Just like me – it looks like Will is not a fan of the heat. Yesterday it was 86 here and Will was more ornery than usual, hot, sweaty, flushed and not down with the heat or being outside. I did however get him to smile while were we were at Menards picking up some yard stuff while we were in the shade waiting for his big brother to finish playing at the “play area”. Will loves riding in carts at stores and is good at holding on (and smiling).

PS – you can see he has rug burn on his knuckles from the crazy crawling he has been doing lately. 😉

Just Will

Will in the Bath

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will loves to take baths. He loves splashing around and of course trying to put all the bath toys in his mouth. Here are a few shots of him having a good time in the bath!

Firsts Just Will

Will is Moving Backwards

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

First he rolled but did not do it again for about three weeks, then Cora started crawling everywhere then finally Jen went into the living room and he had moved himself backwards. We are perfectly happy with Will’s development, but it is hard to not compare when there are two. So Will is still pretty content just sitting but if he does for some reason fall over or get knocked over he will attempt to move a little, if he is in the mood.

He is still eating like a champ though and loves to drive around in his car and of course he is an awesome sleeper. He gets that blanket, his baby Mickey (was once Evan’s – a gift from Aunt Kathy) and he is out.

More to come I am sure.