The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Mullers

Family Mullers

Grandad’s Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This past week, Grandad came to visit and take care of the twins for my first week of school. We so appreciate his help and willingness to take care of the twins and Evan. He took some good shots while he was here, so I wanted to post the update.

Recent Pictures

Family Mullers

Some new great photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We have been busy in the last few weeks, many visitors and just the normal baby stuff going on. We have taken a few shots so you can see how amazing our little ones are getting. Both have doubled in size. Cora is over nine pounds and Will is over 10. Every day is a new day with new changes…some days they eat like crazy and other days we are throwing away formula because they decide they do not want to eat. This week they seem a little happier and calmer than last week so that makes us all happy.

Thank you Aunt Kathy for coming last week and helping out. It was fabulous to see you and I know that Evan, Cora and Will enjoyed your visit.

Updated shots.

Family Mullers

Family Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The past couple of days have been a great time for all of us. Katie, Ellen, Mom Muller, and Aunt Jackie came to visit and Ellen and Katie bonded with all of the children. Ellen and Evan are new best friends (when he is not biting her) and Katie is a third mom to our little twins. It was wonderful to see my cousins and fabulous to have to have their help. I look forward to another visit – maybe August?

A few pictures with family.

Family Mullers

Big Grandad’s Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Grandad Muller visited this past week and I think he had a great time. He was suppose to only come out in July, but could not wait to meet little Will and Cora. They are changing so fast, he did not want to miss a thing. Dad had a baby in his arms most of the day and was up every night with us, helping feed the babies. It was awesome. Evan also enjoyed his Big Grandad’s visit. Thanks dad for coming and we look forward to your return in July. Thanks a million…you cannot imagine how the extra hands come in handy :). The extra help also allowed Jen and I to go out last night – it was nice to get away.

Family Mullers Pre-Birth

Week 35

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

A big thank you to my dad for coming out last week and helping out. It was great to see him and he was a big help…including letting us know that our hot water heater was leaking saturday morning (new one went in later that day). About a minute after dropping him off at Ohare, Evan said, I miss “big grandpa”.

Another week down and nothing new to report. I do not go to the doctor until Friday of this week, so we have a few days to wait for the latest update. But I did not think rushing to the doctor this week was necessary since she is going to say the same thing: babies are still there, I feel them move all the time, I have not felt any contractions, so things remain consistent. If anything changes, of course, we will let every one know.