The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: News

Firsts General News

big boy bath!

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Evan has graduated from his baby bathtub to taking a bath in the entire bathtub. Of course all he wants to do is stand up, touch the faucet, crawl in the water, touch the soap dish, play with anything in reach, then crawl around some more. He loves all the space – and you cannot turn your back for a second. Bath time is a new adventure, once again.

General News

november pictures.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We have posted some new pictures that were taken over the last few weeks. He is getting so big and we decided we needed to add some new pictures to the web site. About the Dallas Cowboy pictures – our friend Josh is a big Cowboys fan and is trying to get Evan to be a Cowboys fan. Until our (Chicago) coach is gone, I am fine with new football team options. (I need to do a better job getting him into the Broncos.) Check out the latest photos.


don’t turn your back.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments
My turn

After getting Evan set up in his chair at the dining room table, I had to get something in the kitchen before I started feeding him. Next thing I know, I hear a “splat” and I look around the corner and Evan has the spoon in his mouth and his food tipped over and spilled on the table, the chair, and the floor. He has become a persistent reacher!

Firsts News

evan’s first “watch me”.

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

Evan and I were hanging out on the couch yesterday and he had his first “watch me” moment with me. He decided it would be really fun to arch his back really far when he was on my lap standing up. He would first look at me, to make sure I saw him, then he would arch his back so he would lean way back, then I would pull him back towards me and he would laugh. He did this again and again and got a big kick out of it. The last few weeks have been so much fun with him. He is interested in everything and really starting to get a little personality.

General News

almost crawling.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

While we were at our Kindermusik class today Evan got so close to crawling. He actually did a downward dog with his butt all the way up in the air with his legs straight. He can get his legs into position now but is not really sure what to do with his arms. I would expect him crawling any day now (the animals have been officially warned). I have also been trying to get some pictures of all his teeth, but as soon as he sees the camera, his mouth shuts. Hopefully I can catch him smiling this weekend!

Favorites General News

i like cheerios!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

It is official, Evan is eating Cherrios and loving them. He can even feed himself a Cherrio or two. He has some issues with getting them off his tray, but you can hand him a Cherrio and he will put it in his mouth (he sometimes forgets to let it go), but it is pretty cute to hear him “chew” it.

Firsts General News

tooth proof!

Posted by: jzelazny | 4 Comments
Tooth Proof

Finally after countless attempts to get a picture of the incoming teeth, I was finally successful. You can see the top two – the one left one is really coming in good. He also has two on the bottom that are coming in as well. Next stop…Wildfire!

General News

healthy boy!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today we went in for Evan’s four month checkup. Evan is now 26.5 inches tall and weighs 16 pounds. The doctor is very happy with his consistent growth and thinks it is time to start introducing solid foods. We are going to start him on rice cereal tomorrow so I will be sure to take some video of his first spoon eating experience.