The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: News

General News

vp recommends googoo.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan Likes GoogleEvan wants everyone to know he officially recommends GooGoo for all searches. As you can Evan is a supporter of GooGoo and is sporting a nice GooGoo outfit, compliments of one of my former co-workers. You will also notice he was looking for “Gaga” and I told him he did not have to use “GooGoo”, he simply had to go to Florida. As VP of Operations for my company, he is in charge of finding new technologies to support and enhance our current business strategy and I am happy to say he is doing a good job.

Firsts General News

vp of operations.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan joined me today on a business trip where I did some work for a client on-site at their office downtown. He was a little tired and confused, but he did a good job at winning everyone over with his good looks and charm. After some good food and a long nap, he is now in my office next to me as I type this post, giving me all kinds of opinions on web development. We are going on another business trip tomorrow and I hopefully he will be prepared. With that said – it is getting close to dinner and then bed time so I will go for now.

General News

talking…well, making noises.

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

In the past week Evan has been talking (making talking noises) more and more. He constantly has something to say. When not talking, he is blowing bubbles and making noises with his endless supply of drool. Best yet, if you make noises like he does, he will respond back with similar noises.

Firsts General News

first trip downtown.

Posted by: jzelazny | 4 Comments

Evan, Amy, and I drove downtown early Monday morning to our appointment in order to get the co-parent adoption process officially moving. My friends Krista and Sally joined us as we made our way to get Evan served by the sheriff followed by a visit to the courthouse where Amy had to state she was sure she wanted me to be the official “co-parent”. Thankfully she said yes and in a few months, Evan will officially be ours together. He is already a Zelazny…his hands are often clammy like Aunt Julie’s 😉 Thanks for all the support! I have added some new pictures in the photos section. Enjoy!

General News

week ten and eleven pictures available.

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments
Evan at Whole Foods

After a few exhausting days trying to get caught up from our trip to New Jersey, we have posted some pictures taken over the last two weeks. The past few weeks have been filled with lots of big and small trips. It is nice being able to get out of the house – finally – since the weather had improved. We look forward to the summer and spending lots of time with Evan in the back yard and on walks with her sister Triscuit. Enjoy!

Firsts Just Evan News

Gaining Weight…It’s a Good Thing

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We went to the doctors’ office this morning for Evan to have a weight check and color check. His bilirubin test yesterday came back lower (Day 1 – 5, Day 4 – 18, and Day 5 15.2) – so that is a plus…it is dropping. So the next thing to think about is his weight…which began at 6 pounds 15.2 ounces when he was born to 6 pounds 2 ounces on day 4 to 6 pounds 8 ounces on day 6 (today). Every one was so excited to see that he has gained 6 ounces in two days. He is eating like a “superstar” (as Josh would say) and sleeping just as good. Nights are not too bad, right now. We will see how things progress over the next few days, weeks, months.

Just Evan News

Jaundice Update

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

The doctor called this morning and he does not feel any treatment is necessary besides frequent feedings – which will cause more poops – which will help Evan release the bilirubin. The number was 18, which sounds high in comparison to his initial number of 5 on day 1…but the doctor did not seem too concerned. He felt this would be Evan’s peak and he would go down from there. So we keep eating and pooping and hopefully he will be better soon. We go back to the doctors tomorrow, so he will be checked out again then.

Firsts General Just Evan News Videos

Evan is Home!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan on his way homeAfter a long day of waiting to be discharged – Amy, Evan, and I made it home. I have uploaded a quick video taken with my camera. I will dust off the video camera tomorrow after we get some rest and start uploading some videos so we can start populating the videos section. I thought it would be appropriate to have his first video be of him sucking his thumb ;). He is adjusting to his new home very nicely. Pita is excited that Amy is home, Salsa loves the new friend, and Triscuit is still a little confused. Evan grabbed Triscuit’s nose at one point while she was smelling Evan at one point and it was very cute. No growling, no snapping…both are doing a lot of resting. To celebrate our first night home together, we ordered pizza from Lou Malnatis!

Firsts General Just Evan News

welcome evan!

Posted by: jzelazny | 5 Comments

On Friday (December 15th), Amy awoke at 1210am because of her water breaking. We calmly (really) got everything together (Amy even took the time to water the Christmas tree) and off to the hospital we went. We called our immediate family (Susan included) and told them the exciting news. When she got there, the nurses put us into a labor and delivery room to start the fun. We put on U2’s “All That You Can’t Leave Behind” and settled in for what we thought would be a long night and day. Susan arrived around 3am with a basket full of goodies (Coca-Cola included) and some fun gifts for me (Jen). By 530am, the doctor was called. At 610am the doctor had Amy start pushing. At 648am Evan was born. He is wonderful and perfect, and more than we could have ever hoped for. I have uploaded the photos for everyone to check out in the photos section. Thanks for everyone’s love and support!

General News

new photos now available.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments
Nittany Lion mobile

I added the shower pictures to the web site, thanks to my mother. A huge thanks to our hosts for doing a fabulous job! I also took a few new pictures of the nursery to share. This weekend we are going to go and buy shelves and put them up so we can get all his toys and stuffed animals off the floor and changing table. It is unbelievable how much stuff Evan has already…he already has more clothes than I do. 😉