The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: Quotes


Keep the Door Open…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan is pretty darn cute. For the last several months we put him to bed and he says:

“Keep the door open incase you need me”

Such a thoughtful guy. Too bad he is asleep within a few moments…


Evan on Junk Food

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

After dinner Evan was trying to get us to give him a snack (cookies or candy). I told him that I did not want him eating any of that type of food because he had had enough junk food for the day. Evan then told me:

Candy is not junk food. Junk food is food you get from the garbage.

Got to love Evan’s attempt at warping logic to get candy. He ended up eating an clementine instead.


Word Mixup

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan is a talker…almost non-stop. Lately he has been telling us he wants a “quiet dinner” without any talking which literally lasts for 5 minutes because he cannot keep quiet himself. Last night while he requested the “quiet dinner” he looked at me and said:

You have to listen to me – I am the bus.

I said “you are the what”? Evan said “the bus”. I said “the what”? He said “the bus”. I said “oh – you mean the BOSS”. Evan said “oh yeah – the boss”. I said “you are not the boss – but we can have a quiet dinner – you just need to stop talking”.

Fun times at the dinner table.

Quotes School

Love in My Eyes

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan came home the other day from school and told me:

I looked at Molly and I saw love in my eyes

I thought Evan had a crush on one of the little girls in his class but then just yesterday he told me he was going to ask one of his neighbors to marry him in 50 weeks. Look out ladies – Evan has arrived.


Evan’s Candy Logic

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I asked Evan if he wanted to go to the grocery store with me yesterday and this is what he said:

My tummy is empty of candy so yes I need to go to the store to get more.

I love Evan’ logic.

Quotes Trips

Mountain Goat

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

On a recent trip in the car – I was drinking Mt. Dew which happens to be yellow (which happens to be Evan’s favorite color). He saw me drink it and then asked me a little later “Can I have some of that Mountain Goat to drink?” At least we had a good laugh.


One Asian…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has been learning the “Pledge of Allegiance” in one of his summer camps. On the way home I was going through it with him where I would say a line and he would repeat – and when we got to “One nation…” Evan said “One Asian” – and made both Amy and me laugh. Good job Evan.


Conversations With Evan: The Shed

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

It is funny to me to hear/see Evan’s thought process sometimes and this past weekend was one example:

Me: Evan we need to get the pool out of the shed.
Evan: What is a shed?
Me: Really Evan, you don’t know what the shed is?
Him: You mean the barn?
Me: Yes – the barn.

I loved that he thought our little 5×10 shed was a “barn”.

Quotes School

Mommy Broke My Heart

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today I picked Evan up from school and happened to notice him not listening to the teacher when they were wrapping up. I tried to talk to him about listening but he was…not listening. I had to stop at McDonalds to pick up Denise lunch on our way home and although Evan kept asking for a kids meal while we were in the drive thru I did not get him anything. I told him good listeners got good things and bad listeners did not always get what they want. Although I am not wild about making McDonalds a treat, let’s face it, it is.

He cried all the way home when he realized I was serious and actually did not get him anything and he pouted as he walked from my car in the driveway to the front door. When he walked in the front door he had a sad face. Denise asked him right away if he had a bad day at a school to which he said:

no, Mommy broke my heart.

He then started crying and went to his room and shut the door. Of course that broke my heart so after a few minutes I went in and talked to him about listening and told him I loved him then invited him to my office to eat lunch which made him much happier.

Quotes School

More Fun at Pre-School

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday as I went to pick up Evan, one of Evan’s pre-school teachers said she had to tell me a funny story. Apparently the kids were learning a song that involved a row boat and rowing motions (not row row row your boat…). As the kids were doing the rowing motions – the teacher noticed Evan was not doing the motions so she asked him why he was not doing them. Even replied:

“I am not rowing because my boat is not a row boat it’s a motor boat!”

The teacher said she and the other teachers could not help but to laugh at his comment – as did I when I heard it.

This is similar to another great Evan comment a week or so ago when I dropped him off wearing his brand new yellow sneakers. The teacher told Evan “man I cannot see your feet!” (thinking that they could definitely not see Evan’s feet in general (in his shoes) because his shoes were so bright). Evan replied:

“That’s because they are in my shoes!”

These comments sound exactly like something I would say as a child! He is quick – and will surely give me a run for my money. Good thing I have been waiting to meet my match 😉