The Muller-Zelazny Family

The latest on the whole crew

Category: School

Just Evan School

Kindergarten Day 3 = Good (Again)

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

I was pretty nervous this morning as I anxiously awaited to hear how Evan’s day went. The map and his trusty friend Haley made a world of difference and he walked out today very happy and excited to go back tomorrow. A big thanks to the neighbor. She offered to go with him for the next two weeks if needed. My fingers are crossed for tomorrow.

Just Evan School

Second Day of Kindergarten = Tears

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Well after a good first day – the second day was a little scary for Evan. He came home and told me he cried in the morning because he could not find his classroom and it made him nervous. Once he found his class the teacher gave him a hug and had him be her helper.

Just when I thought it was going to be ok – he told me last night I needed to call the teacher and let her know he was not going to be there today. I decided to make Evan a map (he loves maps) of his school and the path he needed to take to get to his classroom. I also went down the street to a neighbor’s house who has a girl in 2nd grade and asked her to walk him to his class in the morning. Evan was very excited about both plans and I hope it makes for a better/easier start today.


First Day of Kindergarten = Good

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

I just picked up Evan from his first day and he had a good time. When asked what he did he told me “learned and played”. He could not tell me what he learned, but he told me he sat next to a new kid (he knows 4 kids in his class from pre-school), and that he had fun. Let’s hope it continues to be fun!

Firsts School

First Day of Kindergarten

Posted by: jzelazny | 5 Comments

After a long summer of waiting – Evan is spending his first minutes right now in Kindergarten as I type. I am not sure who was more nervous – me or Evan (actually I am sure it was me). I drove him over to the school, walked him into the school to his class, and then did a good job of not crying as I exited.

He seemed excited up until the moment I put him in front of the door in line with his other classmates. He did not cry or say anything to the effect he was nervous – but by not saying anything at all I knew he was probably a little overwhelmed by all the kids. I know he will do great and I look forward to hearing all the exciting stories he is sure to bring home.

Just Evan School

Pre-School Graduation

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Hard to believe Evan has been in pre-school for two years and now has graduated. I will definitely miss walking with him to his school and seeing his little friends that I have watched grow/mature over the past two years. For the big graduation day – the kids performed 2 songs for the parents and then got their diplomas. Evan loved his teachers and will hopefully built some long lasting friendships.

Just Evan School

Mom’s Spa Night

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

His preschool class had a “Mom’s Spa Night” which entailed a relaxing hour with your preschooler as they gave manicures, massages, and pampered their mothers. Since I am generally the one who is involved with Evan at preschool I thought this would be a great opportunity for Evan to spend time with Amy at his school. As you can see Evan painted Amy’s nails and had a great time spending time with his Mama.



Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Hard to believe he is old enough, but I registered Evan for Kindergarten for fall 2012. Kindergarten out here is half day and he could either go in the AM (9-12) or PM (1-4). We are hoping for the AM option but I am sure Evan will love either!