The Muller-Zelazny Family

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New October 2010 Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and Cora I finally emptied the camera and uploaded some of my favorite photos from the last two weeks. There are some photos of the kids in their new toys (which Amy thinks makes things about 5% easier now – with some more options), the kids eating their first bite of food, and of everyone hanging around. Their big brother Evan enjoys the new toys too. He really likes gently pushing everyone around in their toys as well as playing with the kids when they are playing on the floor. Check out the latest photos.


Goebbert’s Pumpkin Farm 2010

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan on the hayride Last week we ventured out to the nearby pumpkin farm with all the kids and had a great time. We took everyone on the “spooky” hayride, let Evan play on a big bouncy thing, and enjoyed some apple cider donuts. Evan loves to go here and we look to go back another time in the next few weeks. We will probably not go back on the hayride – as it was a little too spooky at one point. You could literally see him freeze up in fear (we were in a barn that had a big fake spider in the rafters and some scary-ish looking props). Fortunately – the spooky part only lasted a few minutes. Check out some more photos of our trip to Goebbert’s pumpkin farm.


Photos From the Last Week

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will in his chair We are constantly getting requests for “some updated photos on the web site”. Generally we have a hard time getting a lot (or any) because by the time someone finds the camera, and the camera’s battery actually has a charge, there are two kids that need some sort of attention. Once that crisis is over – we are either too tired or have completely forgot to get the camera again for the photo. I have been trying to make an effort to take some more photos – generally when at least one of them is sleeping so here you go: a few new pictures. I will try and be better about taking/uploading them in the next coming weeks/years ๐Ÿ˜‰


Christmas List Started

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Over the last few weeks Evan has been identifying who his best friend is…it changes by the day. Although, crazy enough, “air bag” stays on the list….I do not get it….anyway….tonight his best friend was Santa Claus. He said that he wants Santa Claus to come and bring lots of presents. So far on his list…

1. Pillow pet – the bee….jen is not happy about this selection
2. A yellow airplane with a remote

It is so funny to hear what he has to say. Always makes you smile…no matter how many times he was in time out the hour before.

At the Doctors

Four Months Old

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The twins turns four months on September 19th – sorry I am a little behind in posting their stats. The doctors appointment went well and the babies are doing pretty good.


  • 12 pounds 11 oz – 25%
  • 24 inches long – 50%


  • 15 pounds 10oz – 90%
  • 26 inches long – 90%

So the doctor was happy and their mouths are getting better too. We have been more onto of the medicine and they are definitely doing better. Cora has actually been eating like crazy.

Unfortunately, lately Will has been spitting up a lot and finally today Denise suggested we call the doctor. He is still eating fine but not really happy most of the day and the spit up is insane. So he is on reflux medicine. The doctor actually thinks he has a bug that is irritating the situation. She feels he should be better and off the medicine by the next doctors appointment. Which will not actually be until 6 months.

The babies are talking like crazy and giggling a little. Cora likes to scream at a very high pitch – it is cute and sweet if it is not at night or early morning and it is not in your ear. Will also has started to talk more. Although, I think he will definitely sit back and let Cora do the talking – that is how it seems now. They have had a lot of good sleeping through the night nits but it is not every night. Still waiting for that. Jen and I are both exhausted most of the time and funny still cannot believe we have three children….but we are getting through it.

If anyone needs a baby fix, let us know – we have not had visitors in a while and the downstairs apartment is available. ๐Ÿ™‚


And She Rolls!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora just rolled overLast Saturday (October 1) I was on morning duty with the kids and I saw Cora roll completely over for the first time. Both she and Will have been close for awhile but Cora is much more of a squirmer/mover (we knew this from beginning) and so she finally did it. She was not very happy once she was on her stomach, but as soon as I put her back on her back she was happy again. I have not seen her do it since, but I am sure we will see it again very soon. Will on the other hand is very laid back and just enjoys laying around (much like his older brother) so I am sure we have some time before he rolls too. Once they are both rolling – look out! (This picture was taken of her right after she rolled over).

Firsts General

The Ladies’ Man

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Well – I cannot say this for sure, but I think I witnessed Evan’s first kiss yesterday. Ginny and I picked him up from pre-school and on his way out he was looking around for his friend to say goodbye. He found her, gave her a big hug, and then kissed her on the lips and told her he would miss her. Ginny and I both had to laugh a little – as did the girl’s mother. Look out ladies – Evan is on the prowl ๐Ÿ˜‰


Our Dinner Guest

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

If you have ever been with us at dinner time – you know it is not a relaxing time by any means. This tends to be the twin’s fussy time and it is usually a tag team event (“You eat first, then I will eat when you are done”). Last night I decided to bring an antsy Cora to the table (I was holding the chair with one hand – do not worry). She loves to sit up and see all the action and this was perfect – as Amy, Evan, and I were able to eat a somewhat enjoyable dinner together. I am glad she liked the chair – but the entire time she was sitting there I had to smile because she reminded me of the Lincoln monument in Washington DC with her hands on the chair, etc.


Where Do You Live?

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

On our way to Evan’s class today – I was grilling him about what his full name was, where he lives, etc in case something were to happen and I got a kick out of this:

Jen: “Evan – where do you live?”
Evan: “Earth”

Is that my kid or what?