The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Busy Times…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I think about posting things to both this blog and Evan’s but by the time I get a moment – the last thing I want to do is sit in front of a computer…not to mention we have been without our camera for a few weeks (it got left in NY). I am going to try and carve some time into my day at least once a week for both sites – so expect some more frequent updates.

At the Doctors

Month 2-actually two and a half

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

So Jen called it right – Cora weighed ten pounds eight ounces, she is in the 50th percentile. She is just under the 50th percentile in height (22 1/2) and 75th for head circumference.

Will on the other hand had reached the 75th percentile for all measurements. He is 12 pounds 9 ounces and 23 1/2 inches long. Obviously doing great in all categories. Cora unfortunately still has thrush in her mouth so we are putting medicine on again for a while.

The doctor was very happy with everything. The babes were not so happy with the shots, but they got over it pretty quick. We go back in four weeks.

Firsts Friends

Evan and the Alpaca

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

When we were in NY last week – we went to one of my friend’s house who raise Alpaca. We were fortunate enough to get a history of the Alpacas, pet some, and see a lot of the amazing things they do with the Alpaca fur. Thanks to Mager Mountain Alpacas and my childhood neighbor Tiff for the tour!


Evan at the Treehouse

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today Evan, Cora, Will, Grandad and I went to a play place called Treehouse, basically an indoor treehouse where the kids can just climb and run around and burn energy. Evan loves the place, so it made me happy that the twins were somewhat calm when we were there. Evan did a nice job playing with a lot of random friends and his two friends Caden and Emma, while Sharon, Rob, my father and I chatted on the side.

The pictures may look a little weird because we had to take many shots through the netting around the treehouse.
Treehouse pictures

Family Mullers

Some new great photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We have been busy in the last few weeks, many visitors and just the normal baby stuff going on. We have taken a few shots so you can see how amazing our little ones are getting. Both have doubled in size. Cora is over nine pounds and Will is over 10. Every day is a new day with new changes…some days they eat like crazy and other days we are throwing away formula because they decide they do not want to eat. This week they seem a little happier and calmer than last week so that makes us all happy.

Thank you Aunt Kathy for coming last week and helping out. It was fabulous to see you and I know that Evan, Cora and Will enjoyed your visit.

Updated shots.

Firsts Holidays July 4th

Happy Independence Day!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Yesterday we all celebrated Independence Day. Some of us had BBQ, others enjoyed a hot day outside…and the twins enjoyed their first night in their own cribs. I thought it would be only fitting to have their first night apart be on Independence Day and they did great. Cora finally slept on some pink sheets and Will did not have to worry about his sister crying in his ear when she got hungry. It is a bit odd to have them apart, but after seeing how big they are getting – I thought it was time.

They are getting so big in fact that we have to take out the extras in the pack and play (stuffed animals, extra burp cloths, etc so they can both fit in there.

Here’s to a memorable Independence Day!

Family Mullers

Family Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The past couple of days have been a great time for all of us. Katie, Ellen, Mom Muller, and Aunt Jackie came to visit and Ellen and Katie bonded with all of the children. Ellen and Evan are new best friends (when he is not biting her) and Katie is a third mom to our little twins. It was wonderful to see my cousins and fabulous to have to have their help. I look forward to another visit – maybe August?

A few pictures with family.


Summer Camp – First day at “school”

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan started summer camp this summer – three days a week for two hours each day. The theme this session is “100 Acre Woods” – so each day they focus on a different aspect of Winnie the Pooh. Evan had a hard time adjusting the first few days, he did not want us to leave him. We did not get a call though, so he must have forgotten he was sad as soon as we left him. He now is comfortable and sometimes does not even say goodbye to us when we leave. It is interesting to try to get details about the day from him…we get bits and pieces and try to figure out the day. I now know how all parents feel when they ask their child how his/her day was at school. It is adorable to pick him up and see that huge smile come across his face :).