The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Family Firsts Zelaznys

Zelaznys Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

All the Zelaznys came for a visit (Mom/Dad/Julie) (and Dan/Hunter) to meet the newest additions to the family. Hunter and Evan had a good time and we even got Dan to hold both babies at one point (without forcing it).

This was also the first time Dad met the twins so it was nice for him to finally see them since Mom had been with since before the twins were born. We all had a great time and appreciated everyone visiting.

Family Zelaznys

Cousin Hunter Visits

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cousin Hunter, Aunt Julie, and Uncle Dan recently came to visit the twins to meet them for the first time and Evan and Hunter had a great time playing together. They loved playing in the backyard and just running around together in general. We hope Hunter comes back soon for another visit soon!

Firsts Friends

Evan’s First Movie: Toy Story 3

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Last weekend, Evan, Denise, and Susan took Evan to his first movie: Toy Story 3. Evan absolutely loved the first two Toy Story movies and was really excited to the see this in the theatre. He enjoyed the movie, popcorn, and candy. He sat through the entire movie and commented many time about “it is so dark”.

Evan has enjoyed the movie Wall-E (another Disney/Pixar film) several hundred times and it was extremely cute. When the movie started and they showed Cinderella’s castle (representing a Disney movie) he yelled “Wall-E” – as in he thought he was going to see Wall-E. As cool as that would have been – he enjoyed his first movie and looks forward to seeing more.

At the Doctors

1 Month Old

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora and Will went for their one month doctor’s appointment yesterday and everything is great. Both are growing like champs! Because they were a little early, they are a little smaller on the normal percentage scale for full term babies, but they are catching up quick. For example, the doctor would have expected a two pound gain in the month, but our babes grew three pounds.


  • 7lbs 13 1/2oz
  • 20 inches long

That puts her in the 25%tile for weight and 10%tile for height on the female infant scale.


  • 7lbs. 13 3/4oz
  • 20 3/4inches long

That puts him in the 15%tile for weight and 25%tile for height on the male infant scale.

Both got their second hep B shot and did fine. We go back in two a month!


Our Little Alarm Clock

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We have started to call Will our little alarm clock because he gets up every three hours to eat. The doctor said this would probably continue for another month before he is caught up with his eating and does not need it as often. We can usually guess in the night if it is three hours from the last feeding it will be Will who cries. His sister Cora on the other hand will sleep until she cannot any longer. She will often sleep beyond Will and last night she slept for six hours or so.



Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has always loved my headbands – and he has alway taken them and put them on himself to wear. Well the other day he put my headband on and told every one that he needed to do his exercises. So he started to do what sort of appeared to be jumping jacks. It was pretty funny…I took a few shots and a video, which will be up soon. Not sure where the exercising came from, but he was definitely into it.


Professional Pictures from the Hospital

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

The following link includes the pictures that were taken when we were still in the hospital – day 2. We bought the CD which gives us all access to the pictures. So feel free to download any of them or I send them to your favorite photo place to print some.

Professional Pictures

Family Mullers

Big Grandad’s Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Grandad Muller visited this past week and I think he had a great time. He was suppose to only come out in July, but could not wait to meet little Will and Cora. They are changing so fast, he did not want to miss a thing. Dad had a baby in his arms most of the day and was up every night with us, helping feed the babies. It was awesome. Evan also enjoyed his Big Grandad’s visit. Thanks dad for coming and we look forward to your return in July. Thanks a million…you cannot imagine how the extra hands come in handy :). The extra help also allowed Jen and I to go out last night – it was nice to get away.


Picture Update – Finally

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I have finally gotten around to posting new pictures of Will and Cora. If you click on Year one – there are several new groups of pictures. Check out our little ones over the last few weeks.


Riding the tricycle

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has had his tricycle since his first birthday, but he has never really been too excited about riding it…until his new friends next store were out on their bikes and Grandma decided to help Evan ride. Grandma Zelazny tied some rope around the handle bars to help him peddle and she pulled him along to get the hang of the steering and ride. He did a great job and actually enjoyed riding the tricycle, which is the first time we have seem him excited to ride.
Thanks Grandma for the good idea and helping Evan get the hang of the tricycle.

Now we figured out he is a little big for the tricycle, which is why he has had trouble peddling…guess it is time for a big boy bike.

Pictures of the riding.