The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Evan’s Great Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan, Will, and Cora

Some days Evan is in the mood for pictures and other days he wants nothing to do with pictures.  But the days he is in the mood, he wants you to take shot after shot and he says over and over, “take another great photo” and of course wants to see each one you take.  So today he was in the mood and wants to be in the photo with his brother and sister.  So he got on the floor with them and we began to shoot away.  The pictures are great, not only because they contain three pretty cute kids, but you can also see how big all three of our little ones are getting.

Check out the other “great photos


Evan’s New Obsession: Super Mario Brothers

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

A few months ago when the new Super Mario Brothers game came out – some of our friends bought and Evan loved watching us play. Soon after that, we gave him a remote (that did not control anything) and he thought he was playing. Shortly after that – we actually gave him the controller and he started playing. When one of our friends saw him playing – she asked me if he was watching the demo and I told her “no – this is Evan actually playing”. She was surprised he could move all around and so was I!

When the twins were born, I decided to get the game for him so he could play it here at home. We play for a little bit everyday and it is now his newest favorite thing to do. He has gotten better and even though he dies quite a bit – he can definitely get through boards with and without my help. For the most part – he listens to me when I ask him to “not move” or “jump over there” and I look forward to playing with him after work!

Firsts General


Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Will and Cora have been getting bigger as the days go by. We measured their weight and they are both already 7 pounds. There legs are filling out, they hold their heads a little stronger, their newborn outfits are fitting a little tighter, and Cora has a nice little double chin forming. We go back to the doctor on the 22nd for the official update. But with their weight gain and changes, they are staying awake a little more, which allows for some “playtime”. We have brought out the play mat and give them a chance to have some tummy time and back time playing under the fun toys. They still have pretty random arm movements, Cora more than Will, so they do hit the toys whether they mean to or not.

Check out some other shots of playtime.

Family Friends

Fun at the zoo

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

On Sunday Evan, Jen and I went to the Brookfield Zoo with Krista. It was a beautiful day out and we were able to get away and Vickey and Teagen stayed home with the babies for the morning. Evan loves the zoo and loves the animals, so it was a fun time for him and us to be able to spend some quality time with him. Krista was nice enough to meet us there and we had a nice time catching up with her too. Evan loved the bears and giraffes. He also spent some time with the goats, brushing their fur. He had a blast on the carousel before we left – he road on the anteater :).

Check out the pictures from the zoo.


Jen and Babies

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Jen always takes such nice shots with our kids. I wanted to share a few with you.

Jen, her Coke, and Cora.

Jen and Will.

Firsts General

Week 1

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Sorry we have not been as up-to-date with our blog posting as we would like, but washing bottles and doing laundry has been taking most of our time. When we are not doing those two chores, we are either feeding babies or holding babies or trying to relax a little. Will and Cora are fabulous babies, but they still demand a ton of your time and then add Evan on top and we are all busy 98% of the day. But I did want to get some shots posted from the past two weeks. Can you believe that the twins are almost three weeks old??

Week 1 pictures


Stop kicking me…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Cora kicking Will

For almost nine months I believe that Cora ruled the womb and now that they have joined us, we believe she thinks she rules the world or at least our little home here in Palatine. She is often the one that wakes up first to eat, she is the one with the louder cry, and she is the one that decided to kick Will as soon as we put them in the Pack n Play together. It will be interesting to see how they develop together and who decides to take charge in the future.


New Favorite: Tom and Jerry

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has a new obsession: watching Tom and Jerry. Every night before he goes to be Evan requests a “big chocolate milk” or a “big water” and “a lot of Tom and Jerry”. I do not think I was ever a huge fan of Tom and Jerry – and did not have a lot of memories about the cartoon – but I can sum it up for everyone: cat chasing mouse – mouse outsmarting cat, sometimes they work together, everyone runs fast and has to skid out in order to stop. Who knows what interests him in this, but it is pretty funny that he is watching cartoons from the 60s-80s.


Day Three

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

Both in the car seat at home Today was finally the day we could all come home. The morning went slow as we waited for all the paperwork to get processed. Everyone got their final checkup and all doctors were pleased with what they saw. On our way home – we picked up Evan at the babysitter’s house and then took our first family of five drive home. Cora and Will slept the entire time in the car and barely made a sound. The car seats looked huge!

When we got home – Colby checked out the babies (and could care less) and then we got everyone acclimated to their new home. Cora and Will are doing great with eating and sleeping and do a great job sleeping together in one crib. Cora is definitely the instigator and often makes squeaking noises (in an effort to wake up Will no doubt). Will is extremely laid back and actually reminds me quite a bit of Colby with his no fuss personality.

Check out the photos from the day!

Family Firsts Friends

Day Two

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan's first time holding the babies Today we had a number of visitors – including Evan who got to meet both of his siblings today (he only met Cora yesterday due to Will being a bit cold and needing some heat lamp time). Evan thought the twins were cute but really enjoyed all the exiting things in the hospital room – except for Amy in bed.

We had constant activity in the room between the doctors, nurses, and visitors – it was a busy day. Both twins did a great job meeting everyone and were pretty much sleepy all day.

Check out the photos from the day!