The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Family Firsts

Evan’s a Big Brother

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan became a big brother yesterday and has the shirt to prove it. Denise (his babysitter) brought him to the hospital to visit us and to meet the babies in the afternoon. He was disturbed with Mama in the hospital bed, and overwhelmed with all the buttons he could press, but he did a pretty good job his first day as a big brother. He does not look thrilled in the picture for a few reasons 😉 but mostly because he was exhausted. Even though Grandma Z is here to help out with everything – there has been a lot of change over the past few weeks in the Muller-Zelazny household and Evan has been a bit worn out. Luckily he will at least not have Mama on bedrest very soon so she can once again play with him!

On the second day, Evan held both his brother (in the picture) and his sister. He was very gentle and careful and even smiled a few times. He did however enjoy drinking water from a styrofoam cup from the hospital and a straw more than anything else. I think he will do a great job with the twins in the years to come as he loves kids and loves babies!


Welcome Will and Cora!

Posted by: jzelazny | 4 Comments

New familyAfter a long night of waiting – at 1109am Cora Louise Muller-Zelazny was born. Not too far behind, at 1132am William Frederick Muller-Zelazny was born as well. The babies, and their parents are doing well and enjoying the first few moments together.

Overall – everything went really well. After a nightmarish epidural encounter (6 different tries) – everything went smoothly. We could not have asked for a better doctor (family excluded of course Julie) to deliver the twins. She did great, took charge, and made it possible for Amy to an easy delivery. When the doctors and nurses that interacted with us throughout the day found out that Amy had no complications, did not have a c-section, and had two good size babies – they were all impressed. They called her a “rockstar”. I was just glad everyone was healthy and doing well.

We had a great team of doctors and nurses throughout the day and our room was amazing. We were in the new wing of Lutheran General where we had a magnificent view of the Chicago skyline.

For the first night, we had Will and Cora stay in the nursery and come in for feeding. They both did great and we actually got some decent rest.

Thanks to all friends and family for all the support!

Check out the photos from the day!


Testing Out the Supplies

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan has been helping us test out all the baby supplies. He gets a kick out of the toys, car seats, etc. He has been busy playing with all they baby toys as they come up from the crawl space. We are all excited for the babies to come…and I think Evan is really excited – even if just to get another round of playing in with all his old toys and accessories.

PS Aunt Julie – he was being very gentle in cousin Hunter’s car seat. 😉

Family Friends

Busy weekend

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

We are so lucky to have the Rominski family in our lives! This weekend Evan spent a lot of time with Denise and Phillip, which gives us a little break on our end. On Saturday Evan spent the day at the pond store with the Rominski’s picking out some new things for their ponds. Jen and I ran a few errands and just relaxed a little. On Sunday Evan and mommy went to pick up some new coy fish for the Rominski ponds, Evan had a blast and I think Jen enjoyed herself too. I relaxed at home. There is a lot going on at home with baby stuff preparation and we appreciate everything Denise and Phillip are doing to keep Evan’s life a little normal.


Week 35

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

So everything basically remains the same for this week. The babies heart rates are good – once we woke Will up and I had a bite to eat. I am still 3cm dilated. I am up to 162-crazy (about plus 42 pounds). Who would have thought, not me. My blood pressure is 124/74 – consistent.
The only negative…from where they found Will’s heart rate it appears he has migrated back up under my ribs…hopefully he moves again back down…but nothing I can really do.

Next appointment: Tuesday evening, if i make it.


Big Grandpa

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

So Evan has not decided exactly what he is going to call my parents vs. Jen’s parents. So in the week between jen’s parent visit and my dad visited I referred to my father as Big Grandpa – he is definitely a little taller than Jen’s father and I thought that would be something that Evan would recognize as a distinguishing factor. I did not think it would necessarily stick, but it did. While my father was here, Evan referred to him several times as Big Grandpa and I had to smile each time.
Thank you dad for visiting and we look forward to seeing you again soon, once the two little ones arrive.

Family Mullers Pre-Birth

Week 35

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

A big thank you to my dad for coming out last week and helping out. It was great to see him and he was a big help…including letting us know that our hot water heater was leaking saturday morning (new one went in later that day). About a minute after dropping him off at Ohare, Evan said, I miss “big grandpa”.

Another week down and nothing new to report. I do not go to the doctor until Friday of this week, so we have a few days to wait for the latest update. But I did not think rushing to the doctor this week was necessary since she is going to say the same thing: babies are still there, I feel them move all the time, I have not felt any contractions, so things remain consistent. If anything changes, of course, we will let every one know.


Week 34

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

This weeks appointment brought good news. The estimated measurements from the ultrasound showed that both babies are above 5 pounds. Will is about 5 pound 5 ounces and Cora is 5 pounds 1 ounce. So we are happy they are both over 5 and figure given a few more days will only help their size. The ultrasound also showed they are both head down- yeah!

My weight is 157 and my blood pressure must have been good because the nurse did not even feel the need to inform me of the number. The doctor is very happy with everything and said I can go into labor any time now. She would like me to rest for another week and then it would be even better. If I do not go into labor before May 25 then she wants me to come in and be induced on that day- about 37 weeks.

So we are happy.


Big Trucks

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

dsc04178Evan and I decided to head over to the annual “Big Trucks” day in Palatine to check out some of the big trucks we see everyday. The city puts this on and allows kids to sit in, touch, etc all kinds of big trucks..from ambulances to garbage trucks to cranes, to school busses. Evan’s favorite was the school bus – after he put his seat belt on (that was his main concern). We had a good time and look forward to going back next year!