The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Day 6 of Bedrest

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I have almost made it one week of bed rest. Some days are easier than other days. This weekend was made a little easier because Denise and Phillip came over and really helped out with Evan, the basement final details, and meals. Thank you so much!!!

Jen has been working overtime to get things done and organized too. She is amazing, and I know she will be just as amazing once our little Will and Cora arrive as well.

A special thanks to Sharon and LoriAnn for dinner this week as well!

It is hard to feel so helpless….I know that I am working hard…it is just not as visible….which makes it hard.


Week 33 Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Everything was good but I need to rest more. My blood pressure is good, my weight is good, the babies heart rates are good, no contractions, but I am now dilated to 2.5-3cm. The doctor said I need to rest more. It has been a crazy week and I agree that I need to rest more.

So I am resting and doing nothing for the health of the babies and myself.

Next appointment Tuesday 5/4 @ 2:30.

Family Pre-Birth Zelaznys

Week 32

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

First a big thank you to Vickey and Phil for visiting this week: spending time with Evan, working on the basement, doing laundry, and just helping like crazy.

Our appointment yesterday was longer than expected but good. We went in and they decided that yesterday was the first day they would start to monitor the heart rates a little more closely with an NST (non-stress test). So I sat hooked up to monitors for about 15 minutes and then saw the doctor. The heart rates moved all over, but very normal. They funny part…for several weeks I have been saying I really do not feel any contractions and the first thing my doctor said was you had no contractions when you were sitting there – I said see, I told you. But anyway…

My weight was good – I have gained about 35 pounds and my blood pressure was fine once I laid down for a little while. It was 130 over something and then once I laid down for a few minutes it dropped to 120/70. So no worries. Our doctor is happy and I go back on monday for another check.


“I’m so happy I missed you”

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This is what Evan says to us whenever we see him in the evenings when we (jen) pick him up from Denise’s house. I think it is the sweetest thing, because he combines two statements that kinda makes the two statement void each other out. But you know what he means and it is the cutest thing. I had to share with every one.


Week 31

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Our week 31 appointment went well. The babies are both growing and right where they should be. Cora is 3 pounds 8 ounces. She is in the 35th percentile. She also flipped so she is head down and in the right position as the first baby (for now). Will is 3 pounds 15 ounces. He is in the 50th percentile. He is still in the same position- transverse – under my ribs. The doctor did feel his position is more promising to be able to deliver head down after her. I have a few shots, an actual nice one of Cora…I will try to get them scanned this weekend.

I am the same as I was last week too…which is great news. The doctor said just keep doing what you are doing, which makes me

I just feel totally full today….heartburn several times. I am either
starving or so full that I feel totally uncomfortable. Hopefully tomorrow is a little better. Jen’s parents come in monday I am excited to have some extra hand around…the to-do list is not getting any shorter.


Ant Julie

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

A few days ago Evan and I were having a conversation and I told him how lucky he was to have a brother AND a sister. Of course – he asked “why” and I then proceeded to tell him that I only had a sister – Aunt Julie.
He said “what aunt?”
I said – “Aunt Julie”
He said “Aunt Julie?”
I said – “yes – your Aunt Julie is my sister”.
He said “Aunts? I do not like Aunts (thinking I was talking about ants and not aunts).

I just got a kick out of the fact that he thought I was talking about ants and not aunts. He definitely keeps things interesting!


Bedrest it is.

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

We went tonight to the doctor and the verdict is in….bedrest it is.  I am dilated 1 cm and that was enough for the doctor to make the decision.  She is pretty confident that I will make it pretty far as long as I rest and not work and stress myself out.  No matter how much I say that I sit down at work…the kids and environment can still be stressful and I do still need to stand and control them once in a while.  So I am going in on Thursday to say goodbye and tie-up loose ends and then I am home.  I am sure I will get over not going to work – but it is the transition that I think is causing me anxiety.

On the home front, I feel bad that I will not be able to help out.  But I know Jen and Evan can handle it and someone said to me that two months of not doing anything is short compared  to the healthy lives for our two little babies. 🙂

I go back next week on Thursday for another check and ultrasound…more to come.

Friends Holidays

Happy Easter

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan had a great Easter this year. The day before Easter we took E to see the Easter Bunny, made some Easter crafts (decorated paper eggs) and enjoyed the rest of the day playing games and relaxing. We ended up taking him to Abt (a huge appliance store) to get his picture taken with the Easter Bunny – as I was not interested at all in going to a mall…especially Woodfield where the parking lot and line for the Easter Bunny would have been out of control. Thank you Abt for making the Santa/Easter Bunny experiences painless!! On Sunday Evan woke up and found that the Easter Bunny left him a basket full of candy and a Buzz Lightyear Bubble gun (blows bubbles).

After we got up and around, we went over to Phil and Ginny’s house for an Easter brunch where the Easter Bunny left Evan something really cool – a Power Wheels John Deere Gator. It has two speeds, reverse, a back that you can fill with stuff and dump, as well as two seats – both with their own cup holders. Yes – I am quite jealous. As soon as Evan saw this – he got really excited and ran to it faster than I have ever seen him run. Within 15 minutes or so he had backing up, steering, and general driving down. He did have his occasional “crash” but as Evan will tell you “accidents happen”.

Evan ended up riding on this for hours and at 4pm when we headed home, Evan passed out in the back of the car…and ended up sleeping until this morning. A big thanks for all the cards/gifts for Evan – he had a blast!

Firsts Pre-Birth


Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I cannot believe the amount of movement I am feeling and seeing with these two little ones inside. They are constantly doing something. I do not know if it is pushing each other out of the way or just keeping themselves busy, but my god – it is all the time. I do not mind them moving, but seeing them move is a little disturbing. I just hope none of my students ever notice…cause that is weird.


Week 29 Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 7 Comments

Jen and I went to my appointment this morning – and I was just hoping that the doctor would say no change, go home, we will see you in a week or two. She kinda did and kinda didn’t.

My blood pressure is good – 120/72
Weight good – 146 (not to different from last time, although the doc had no problem about this)
I am 29 weeks and measuring 33 weeks – which is normal. The problem – I was dilated 3 cm with Evan at 38 weeks, so that would mean I would be dilated in about 5 weeks which would actually be 33 weeks – when we really want the little ones in until 36 weeks. You following – if not call??

The doctor we saw is the main doctor in the practice, has many awards, and twins herself but because this was the first time she has checked me she was not sure about what the other doctors have seen the last few weeks. So she said, I would be more than willing to write you a note today for bed rest tomorrow – that would mean 10 weeks out of work. Most people would have no problem saying yes. I on the other hand was a little hesitant. So the doctor said I could have one week and come back next week and see my normal doctor and she can make the final decision at that point. So I will return to the doctor a week from today and get checked again to see how things are going and then, maybe I will be able to keep working or I may be home until the little ones come.
I do feel so big and uncomfortable and I know that it would be best for the little ones to have me resting. I will take it easy this week and see what next week brings.