The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Evan’s first dentist appointment.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan did such a good job at his appointment this past Saturday – but we did have a few little moments along the way.

First, he wanted nothing to do with the little paper bib.  But we convinced him how cool it is to wear a purple paper bib.

Then, he was a little unsure of the chair when it moved but he got use to it.

The light was another thing, at least they had those great glaucoma-like glasses that he wore.

Dr. Sherman came in and began by counting Evan’s teeth – E did okay but was quite distracted by all of the other stuff in the office. Dr. Sherman was great though and answered all of his questions. I thought the appointment would end there but Dr. Sherman continued with the teeth cleaning – Evan fell in love the Mr. Sucker – the spit sucker. So the doctor continued with the cleaning and every couple teeth made a deal with Evan that he could have Mr. Sucker if he let her clean two more teeth.

Evan’s quote with two teeth left, “No lady, I do not want any more!” It was cute 🙂 and we are so proud of our little guy. As usual.

Family General

Where Did Those Names Come From?

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

A number of people have been asking about the names we chose for the twins so here is the story behind them:

Since my (Jen) preferred names got shot down (Josh and Reva, Brandon and Brenda, Washington, Lyndon, etc) we had to get serious about acceptable names. As with Evan – I wanted each baby to take some sort of family name.

William Fredrick
I personally always loved this name. I love the short name “Will” and how William can sign his name “Wm”. This is not a direct family name, but there are several family members with this name on both sides. Frederick is Amy’s father’s name and so we wanted that to be part of the name. (I personally like to pronounce it Friedrich).

Cora Louise
Amy and I really liked Cora and if Evan ended up a girl instead of a boy – it made the top three names (Olivia, Cora, Grace). After trying name combinations together, I decided it would be really nice to give her my paternal grandmother’s name Louise. Since Cora Louise sounded better than Oliva Louise – we chose Cora. (Will and Grace would have been too weird)

So there you go…


Week 27 Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

We went for our 27 week appointment and ultrasound last week and everything went well.  Both babies are doing well and have good heart rates.  The boy (Will) is measuring 2 pounds 10 ounces – he is laying below my ribs kinda across my body. The girl (Cora) is measuring 2 pounds 4 ounces feet down on my right side.  No wonder I feel the most uncomfortable on my right side since I have a head and feet all pushed together.  So the ultrasound tech did not feel the differences in weight were that big enough to worry about at this point, although the doctor said if they continue to move away from each other in weight they may have to take them early because we do not want Cora to not get the nutrients she needs.  She is currently in the 45th percentile and Will is in the 65th percentile.  Hopefully WIll decides to share and both can stay inside several more weeks – any thoughts Aunt Jackie?

Crazy thing – I almost passed out during he ultrasound because I was on my back for so long – only about 15 minutes.  I just cannot get over how different this pregnancy is from when I carried Evan.  The tech said when you lay on your back the babies constrict your vessels – so the blood was not getting through as it should.  Crazy.

My weight was good – I gained about 2.4 pounds since my last appointment and my blood pressure was a little high but nothing to worry about.  No change from last time in my staying off my feet – thank goodness.  So I will continue to keep my feet up when I can and work three days a week.

Pictures:  Baby B – is Will of course all his shots are easy to see and perfect because he is on top.  Baby A is Cora – she has to deal with shadows and feet in her face – so pictures of her are not as easy to get.  PS. I am learning so if you click on the picture it will be small but click again and it should be bigger on the screen.


From Jen’s Perspective

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

When we found out the last IVF cycle did not work, Amy and I were both pretty upset. Everything went well, the prognosis was great, but for whatever reason…it just did not take. Our fertility doctor scheduled the post procedure appointment to talk about it, options, etc and we both went without too much hope. She talked to us about possibly moving to a new state (ha) to get it covered, having me try (no way), or trying a cycle using IVF drugs but using IUI. Fertility treatments are not cheap, but we both wanted to give it one last shot.

I sold my beloved Apple and McDonalds stock to pay for most of it and we were off to give it one last shot. The numbers did not look good, but I wanted to make sure we would not regret not trying later. Amy did her acupuncture and I just hoped for a positive first test – because that is by far the hardest thing to deal with…all the work and then not even the satisfaction of a positive…even if only the first test.

After we found out the first test was positive I started getting nervous and had it in my mind Amy was pregnant with six. I just had a weird feeling since we had no idea how many eggs were really produced and good. The next test showed a very high number which indicated multiples. Next up was the initial ultrasound to see how many were actually in place. Before the appointment Amy and I were talking and we were hoping for two and not three (or my six). (Although I had my TLC show name ready (Amy and Jen plus ten) (we would include pets too). When there was only two – I remember being very excited.

On the way home, I called my parents and grandparents. I will never forget talking to my grandparents – they seemed pretty nervous. 😉 That night, I do not think Amy or I slept at all. All sorts of questions/thoughts raced through our heads. (How are we going to pay for college, do our cars fit three car seats in the back, etc).

After that – I have gone through periods of excitement followed by periods of nervousness…and these periods can last minutes or days.

At this point – I just make fun of Amy as she “had to get the stroller put together” even though the act of taking the twins on a walk is months away. She has been pushing to get everything in order and the babies’ room is just about ready to go with clean clothes, matching crib stuff (except pink for Cora and blue for Will), and etc.

Amy always loved being pregnant with Evan and it was hard to see her so uncomfortable/sick this time around. The last few months have been better but she still is uncomfortable since they are constantly trying to stretch her stomach out so they have some room.

I look forward to meeting the twins later this year…and every day think ok – at least this is one more day that they are still inside growing (I am overly worried about them coming early). When they do come – hopefully they will both be happy and healthy – and good playmates for Evan.

Three kids…who would have thought?

Favorites Uncategorized

Favorite Things.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Being off two days a week allows me a little extra time with my family in the mornings.  So this morning I went with Jen to drop Evan off at Denise’s and on the way Jen asked Evan a few of his favorite things…for today.

Favorite Color: Brown

Favorite Food: Turkey

Favorite Car: Disco (of course :))

Favorite Toy: too many to consider – no response

Favorite Planet: Mercury

I love how his favorites change daily…we will keep you posted.

Family Trips

Evan’s Trip to Florida

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

dsc04075A few weeks ago we went to Florida on a rather last minute decision. While we were there Evan enjoyed going to Dinosaur World, visiting with family, and going “on safari” with Papa (aka – going on a ride to look at horses and pigs in a golf cart). Much thanks for the hospitality and we hope Gaga is feeling better!

Check out the latest pictures from Florida.


What I Feel Like.

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Big.  Even though most people say I look small.

I have gained about 29ish pounds – which is right around where I was with Evan.  So I am only 25 weeks but I feel like I should be closer to 40 if I compare with my pregnancy with Evan.  The doctor seems fine with my weight gain – every one else thinks I should be bigger – but I gain what I gain.  Not like I am not eating.


Evan’s Quotes

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan just cracks us up and has had some super quotes lately.

Last weekend we were in a store waiting for Amy to get out of the dressing room and Evan went over to some woman who was also waiting for her friend and he said “I love your purse!”. The woman in the dressing room laughed and asked if he just said “I love your purse” and when she found out that is what she said, she told him “I love that purse too” and laughed.

Evan has some really cool building toys which are made out of plastic and are magnetic. He usually builds parking lots or roads for his cars but the other day he told me “let’s build a concourse”. Yes – we do travel a lot.

Evan also told Amy “your nails are beautiful” after she came home from her manicure.

Upon leaving the Super Bowl party – he told the host “thanks for the party”.

He is such a trip.