The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Crazy Movement.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

I sat my desk during the last period of the day and just resting my feet a little – my kids had been taking standardized tests all week so we were watching a video to relax and as I felt our little ones moving, I also notices something that was weird.  My stomach was also moving with the movement of the babies.  I do not remember ever seeing this with Evan – I believe he just was not big enough to make my body show movement.  Or I just do not remember.  So since that has happened I have noticed several times the movement when they are very active.  Kinda crazy, but I guess a given.

Family Pre-Birth

Week 25 Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Babies are good – heart rates are within normal range and my glucose test results came back normal.  I was worried since I am carrying two babies this time and everything is so different.  Things seem to be going well although I do feel a lot of pressure – sometimes when the girl moves I think – please do not move so much – she feels so low – it makes me nervous.

Dr. Weber has suggested that I go part-time at work.  Carrying twins can put a lot more pressure on the body (cervix) and it can actually start to soften earlier than it would when carrying a singleton.  So starting next week I will be going into school three days and home two days.  Hopefully keeping me working a little longer – hopefully at least until 36 weeks.  I will also be going to the doctor every two weeks now – so my next appointment is 3/18.


Evan’s New Room

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Evan's BedLast week we were busy getting Evan’s new room ready. We wanted to make it special so we Let him help paint, and then bought Wall-E stickers for the wall and put his computer on his new desk. He loves having the computer in his room and he also loves his sweet Wall-E stickers. He took the move very well (we are making his old room into the twin’s new room since it is better suited for two) and has never had put up any fight or even questioned the move. He enjoyed helping set everything up and moving things from one room to the other. I think it is a great “big boy” room!

Check out the new photos of his room.


Evan Loves the Snow

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and his fortEvan loves the snow much like I do. He loves shoveling, walking in the snow, finding trucks, golf balls, and other assorted things that are uncovered when the snow melts, and making snow angels. Of course – he does not like to get snow on his bare hands and when he does, he cries (still does not get the idea that he can easily warm them) but he is generally a real trouper outside. I posted a new set of pictures taken at the babysitter’s house a few days ago.


Level 2 Ultrasound

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

At the level two ultrasound we had detailed measurements of both babies taken again – everything came back normal and at the correct size for their ages.  The boy weighed 1lb 3oz and the girl was 1lb 2oz.  The cardiologist also came in and took a close look at both hearts and the blood movement through the hearts (echocardiography) – it was amazing that they could see so much of our little ones already.  That doctor moved quickly though so we could not ask too many questions.  I was laying on the table for about 45 minutes for all of the measures and such – but the regular doctor came in at the end and said everything looked normal from what he could see at this point.  So more good news – makes us happy :).

The profile shot is the boy – great shot.  The scary picture is the girl – the circle on the right is her eyeball.  Because she is on the bottom it is hard to get a good shot of her because of shadows and such – at least that is what they tell us.


Weekend With the Boys

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Last weekend Evan spent Saturday and Sunday with “his cousins” (the babysitter’s nephews) over at his babysitter’s house. They had a blast playing outside, playing inside, going to Des Plaines for the slot car racing (race track with cars that drive with the connector that goes into the slot on the track – like my Turbo Hoppers but on a much larger scale). Evan even made a rice krispy house and decorated it up with all kinds of candy!

A big thanks to Denise and Phil for giving Evan an exciting weekend!


The Superstar

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan has become quite the poser for the camera lately and I decided to get him to pose this morning since I was actually running a little early. Here he is after I told him to “pose”. As you can see he poses as naturally as I do…and both of us look equally as cool. Evan enjoys wearing his sunglasses on occasion and when he does I call him either “the superstar” or Bono (U2). Perhaps I can get some footage soon of him dancing (he break dances). If the entertainment industry does not want him, he come work for me 😉


Week 21 Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

137 lb and blood pressure is 132/75 – everything is good – no worries.  No ultrasound this time because of all of the other appointments I have had lately.

Family Firsts Holidays Trips

Random Evan Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Here are some random images from my iPhone taken over the last month or so.

The images are from the recent trip to NJ (including a Harley ride in the airport), as well as Evan’s first snowman we made together in the front yard.



Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Soon after the amniocentesis and Christmas I began to feel our little babies moving – a lot.  The girl moves all the time and the boy moves here and there (his heart rate is lower as well).  I took it as she is going to be active and energetic and he is going to be easy going just like his big brother Evan.  I did have some concerns of course since he was the one with the initial high reading in November – but the doctors keep confirming that thing seem normal.