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Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Amniocentesis went well –  I was pretty concerned, but I am use to needles, so I just shut my eyes and waited for it to be over.  Jen actually asked where she could sit that she would see the least amount of the needle – funny.  It did not hurt too much, just uncomfortable when the doctor was trying to get in the right spot to take some of the fluid.

I got the results a few weeks later and all were normal with chromosome numbers and placement.  We get confirmation on a boy and a girl.  The girl is on my lower right side and the boy is on the left side higher up.  The girl is head-down and the boy is head-up.   I hope he flips and they both decide to exit normally – this is a concern I have had since I found out their positions.

Boy Pics – A

Girl Pics – B


Happy Third Birthday Evan!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Happy Birthday Evan! It is hard to believe Evan is now 3! I actually have memories from when I am 3 so I am excited that soon Evan will start building his memory for events we can talk about in the future. Today Amy got him out of bed (always a treat for him), he had a brownie from Mrs. Fields for breakfast (thanks Rosemary!) and then got to hang out with Josh and Phil Sr. while they hooked up the new fridge to our water line.

Later today we are going to take him to dinner at Chuck E Cheese (he called it “Yucky Cheese” this morning), have some cup cakes, and then end the day with some Garfield cartoons in bed.

Happy birthday!

Favorites General

Mommy’s Beautiful Hat

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

For years (probably 20) I have worn a ski hat – red with a big ball on the top and have loved it. Amy thought it was a bit much – especially since it had a hole in the middle (I called it the bullet hole), so I only wore it when using the snowblower on below zero days. The other day I put it on and as soon as Evan saw me where it, he looked at me and said very seriously “Mommy – your hat is beautiful!” That little sentence made my day because Amy had been making fun of it for years.

When we got home from our outing where I wore the hat – I put it on the table by the door (ok – probably the floor) and put Evan to bed. I went down to my office for a few minutes to quickly check email and the next thing I know Amy called me up to see the result of a horrible incident – Colby (who never has once shredded anything) – decided he liked my hat too and shredded the ball on top so that only 4 strands were left. I went from having a wonderful (beautiful even) hat to having a Charlie Brown Christmas tree like hat. Oh well. At least at the end of the day I can say Evan thought it was beautiful. Thanks Evan!


Our Christmas Tree

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

img_0486 Over the weekend we went out and picked out our Christmas tree. Evan enjoyed looking at all the trees and of course talking to all the people that were around us. We picked out the tree and upon paying for it Evan enjoyed one of the employee candy canes. Luckily for us, the cashier was in the Christmas spirt so Evan did not get yelled at.

When we got home and started decorating, Evan got quite excited and even helped put on some of the ornaments. He ended up putting them all in one area, some on the same branch, but since he wanted to help, they are on as he wanted. All in all, Evan absolutely loves decorations and loves to point them out wherever we go. He especially likes going to stores like Target where they have tons of decorations hanging down from the ceiling. As soon as we walk in – his face lights up.

img_0487While getting the tree ready in the garage, Evan decided he wanted to play out in the snow. He did not have any snow pants on so I was surprised how long he stayed out there, but he had a blast playing first with all his trucks in the snow, then building a “castle” with all his sidewalk chalk. Evan and I have also been enjoying the snow together as I discovered we have a common interest: throwing snowballs. As soon as we go outside he gets a snowball together and throws it at me and then I throw one at him. I look forward to next year when we can build forts together and have a real snowball war!


Evan’s 3rd Birthday Party

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan's cakeOn December 5th, Evan had his first “kid” birthday party. We rented one of the gyms in our local park district for an hour and then had cake, pizza, and opened presents. Aunt Julie and Grandma Z flew in for the event and we had lots of friends attend to make it a great party – even with the super smelly, un-serve-able vegetables (see Amy – that is what you get for trying to be healthy!)

Evan enjoyed running around chasing his friends, playing with the toys, and then eating cake and pizza. A big thanks to Aunt Julie, Grandma, Doug, Kelly, and Lori Ann for all the help.

Please note – Evan took some of the photos in the photo collection so if they are strange – you can talk to him!


Evan and Santa

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and SantaWhile out running around picking out a new Christmas tree – Amy and I were discussing strategies on when/where to take Evan to see Santa…all stressful and doomed for failure (long lines, mall+Jen = disaster, etc). When we got to ABT in Glenview – to our pleasant surprise – Santa was there with no line, and free pictures (not to mention free chocolate chip cookies that were freshly baked).

Thanks ABT and thanks Santa!

Family Friends Holidays

Grandma Z and Aunt Julie’s Visit

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan posingBoth Aunt Julie and Grandma Z flew in for Evan’s birthday party. Evan enjoyed spending time with both of them and even did some fun non-birthday party stuff like decorating a gingerbread house. Evan let Aunt Julie sleep in his car bed and he had a slumber party with Grandma. He did a good job not kicking and moving all around like he normally does so I was happy about that. The last night Grandma Z was in town, we put Evan back in his own bed and after an hour or so of sleeping, he woke up crying and so Grandma rocked him to sleep on her lap and then we let him sleep one more night with her.

When we dropped Grandma off at the airport, Evan asked if he could go with her back to Florida and that was pretty cute, but instead he got to stay here in the Chicagoland area with us. All in all, it was a good trip. Thanks for traveling – it means a lot!

Grandma and Evan making a ginger bread house

Grandma and Evan making a gingerbread house

Favorites General

Evan the Baker

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

100_1204Each weekend Evan looks forward to a few things: shopping (he recently told me big boys love to shop), spending time with us, and making Mama (Amy) pancakes. Every Saturday Evan and I get up and he makes Amy breakfast (even though she rumbles on about how it is not the same as her mother’s recipe).

Any opportunity Evan gets to measure out ingredients, mix them together, and then try out the newly finished product – he is there. He loves to dip his finger into anything (even just the flour mixture) and then will say something like “this is my favorite”. Last week, his babysitter sent him home with a plate of cookies and a memory stick from her camera. We took a look at the memory stick and saw how he made the cookies earlier that day. I thought that was pretty darn cute – and had to share. Check out the baker in action!


Level 1 Ultrasound

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

11 weeks – Level 1 Ultrasound – According to the level 1 ultrasound (in-depth pictures and measurements of the babies) Baby A (soon to find out our little boy) has an increased nuclear fluid in between the skull and the skin of the neck – the genetic councelor recommended a few different test, one being an Amniocentesis.  This increased fluid level could mean a variety of things – Down’s Syndrome, some other genetic disorder, or nothing at all.  Many babies show an increase fluid level, but are born totally normal with no problems.  You just do not know.  Because there are twins we have twice the risk of everything.

The fluid level can also be an indicator of a problem with the cardiovascular system.  Doctors believe the fluid acts like the blood transporting materials around the baby at this young age.

We decide to wait until after Christmas to have the amniocentesis so I do not have to worry about the airport and flying right after my amniocentesis.