The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Birthday and Christmas Wish List.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan will soon be celebrating his third birthday and we wanted to get a short list of his wishes. He loves looking at toy catalogs, one of his new passions – so we tried to pick out stuff that he seemed to always point out and other things he really enjoys. Of course, you can alway buy something cool that you find in your travels, clothes, or gift cards to Toys R Us work too.
1. Magnadoodle
2. Power Wheels
3. Easel
4. Matchbox cars and other fun matchbox items…he loves anything to do with his cars
5. Kids digital camera – so maybe he will stop taking crazy pictures with ours
6. Periscope
7. Pirate stuff – he like pirates
8. Transformer stuff

Hopefully these ideas will help! Thanks!


8 Week Appointment

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today was our first OB appintment with Dr. Weber and ultrasound (8 weeks) – I am at 121 lb and good blood pressure (do not remember exactly). The babies look good – if you can say that this early.

Favorites Firsts

My Little Painter

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

E paintingOver the weekend I decided to finally paint the bedroom a new color. Evan got really excited about painting so I let him help me. I gave him a small roller and he did a great job. We went over not painting on any wood, the floor boards, or any of the outlets. He did a good job “going slow” and only going up and down with the roller. I look forward to having him help me more with some future painting projects!


Thank you Dr. K

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Today we had our last meeting with Dr. Klipstein. She has done everything and anything to help us get the family we want! We appreciate her so much and all of the nurses in her office!

Family Trips

Cousin Hunter’s Birthday Party

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and HunterLast weekend we flew out to DC to spend the weekend with my family (parents, sister, grandparents) at my sister’s house in DC. With some minor airport issues – Amy and Evan were on one flight and I was on another. Even though E can be challenging on flights (he is so tall he is very cramped in his car seat on the plane) – he did a great job and we were very proud of him.

Just before the party – we noticed one of the local firehouses was having an open house so we took Evan over to meet the fire fighters and to see the huge trucks. He loved it!
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Evan enjoyed his weekend with family and looks forward to playing with Hunter in the future.


Random Pictures From My Phone

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Every once and awhile Evan likes to just sit down with my iPhone and flip through the photos. I noticed last night that there were a few cute recent ones that I should share. From left to right: E and Amy at his swimming class, Evan in the bath tub practicing floating and kicking, and Evan and our neighbors’ 20 year old cat Jessy.

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Positive Test

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

The pregnancy test came back positive! We cannot believe it – I guess we are lucky. The last two attempts did not work, but this final time (our last shot in the dark) worked!!


Pumpkin Farm

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

GoebbertsJust like in years past – we made our way to the pumpkin farm once again. Evan had a blast looking at all the pumpkins, riding a pony, seeing all kinds of animals, and then watching a pig race. The number of animals they had was amazing (and a little sad). Evan saw zebras, kangaroos, pigs, flamingos, etc. The pigs were not as fast as his brother Colby, but they were super cute. Of course EVan really enjoyed just running around in the field with the other kids as well. You can see all the photos in the photos page.