The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Firsts General

Becoming a Big Boy

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan aka BonoThe last few weeks have been very interesting for me as a parent. Evan now will tell you that his stomach hurts when he has a stomach ache, instead of just saying he wants to watch George (Curious George) he will actually tell you which one (space, vegetables, treehouse, etc), and he actually will pose for you when taking a picture.

He is just about potty trained as well which is really nice. He still wears a diaper when he goes to bed and a pull up when we go out somewhere, but he wears underwear the rest of the time when he is home with us. Most of the time we know he went only by him asking for candy corn (that is what we give him as a reward for going), otherwise he is pretty efficient and proud of it! He is becoming a great little “big boy” – as he calls himself.

Evan at the PlaygroundEvan also loves going to the playground to play with “friends”. Any time there are kids around he calls them “my friends” and loves to run around with them. It is really cool to see him play and interact with other kids as good as he does. It does not really matter what age they are. He loves babies and he recently decided one of our friends’ middle school aged son was his “friend” too. Evan followed him around, ate dinner with him, and was sad when we had to leave. At the playground, he has also decided he really likes the slides (he was not really a fan for a long time), as well as likes to swing on the big boy swings (just the flat no-back swings). Next summer should be fun as he will be most likely be riding his tricycle non-stop and be even more interactive with his little friends.


He Knows What I Want

Posted by: jzelazny | 2 Comments

Evan takes a class on Monday nights at 6-640pm every week. Some days he does well, some days, well he is tired and not in the mood to listen to anyone. We had one of the later days this past Monday, and it was a doozy.

Evan was all over the place, disruptive, and not making me very happy so I pulled him from the class and let him know I was not happy with him. I told him he was going to go home and right to bed. He cried, and when we got home and he saw that I was serious he tried to deter bedtime by trying to get me with the one thing he knows I love more than most things in this world…watching Guiding Light.

Unfortunately for him, that happened to be the first day that Guiding Light was not on, and even his begging to watch Guiding Light did not help the cause. I did have to laugh to myself because he pulled out all the stops.

Nice try Evan – perhaps next time 😉


Assume Nothing

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan continually just cracks me up. Last night I was laying in his bed with him reading a book before he went to bed and I tried to get out of the bed and he did not want me too so he put his arm around me and his hand ended up on my back. Since his hand was there, I asked him to scratch my back. He then picked up his hand, and started scratching my lower back when I actually needed my upper back scratched so I told him to “go higher” – as I would if anyone else was scratching my back. Next thing I know he moves his hand higher – but higher for him equaled my head, so he started scratching my head. I just started cracking up.

Apparently I should never assume anything – because I assumed he would just go higher on my back, and not higher in general. Every day is an adventure!


Evan’s First Day Back to the Babysitters

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

DSC03563 Every year my parents took pictures of me and my sister in front of the front door on our first day to school. I decided to take Evan’s picture his first day back to the babysitters since he does not go to school yet. Of course he refused to pose in front of the door, but decided he would on the wall next to the door. It is hard to believe the summer is over for him and Amy!

Firsts Friends Trips

Evan’s First Trip to the Zoo

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

Evan Last weekend, Evan and I met our friend Krista at the Brookfield zoo. This was our first time to the Brookfield zoo ever (not Krista) and we absolutely loved it. Evan was very well behaved the entire time, walked almost the entire way around the zoo, and kept saying “more animals, more animals” as he wanted to see all the animals he possibly could. I think he most enjoyed the sea lions, penguins, and monkeys. Check out the new photos to see more of our zoo fun.

After the zoo, we stopped by our other friends’ house to visit Heather and George. Evan enjoyed seeing his “friends” and slept all the way home.

A big thanks to Krista for the guest passes and spending the day with us!

Family Firsts Trips

First Extended Stay Without Parents

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Growing up – I always enjoyed the week or two my sister and I spent with my grandparents and decided a long time ago that when I had kids – they would do the same thing. This year after our family reunion, Amy and I drove back to Chicago on Sunday and Evan stayed with his grandparents (and great grandparents) until the next Friday. They did all kinds of fun things, got to spend some one on one time with Aunt Julie, Uncle Dan, and Hunter, as well as enjoyed the “forest” where my parents live. Evan asked about us only twice and after my mother said “she is in Palatine” he was fine and ready to move onto the next thing.

A big thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Z, as well to Gaga and Papa for spending the week with him!

Family Trips

Evans’ Family Reunion 2009

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and Aunt Julie At the end of July we drove to New York for our annual Evans’ family reunion (Evan is named after this family name). Evan enjoyed playing with his cousins and being with his great grandparents and grandparents. We had a smaller than usual turn out at the reunion (around 40) – but it was still great seeing the people who made it and to see Evan play with and get to know his cousins. There are new photos available of the trip to New York – including some that were taken during his stay with Grandma and Grandpa Z after the reunion.


Early Summer 2009 Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

EvanEvan has had a busy summer and we finally posted some pictures from the last few weeks. Some of the pictures have our friend’s greyhounds in them – Gopher will look familiar, but they got a new greyhound right before we got Colby and her name is Ada. Evan absolutely loved spending time with them and still talks about Gopher and Ada daily. Of course – Evan also loves fountains and Amy has been taking him to a nearby fountain daily and he has loved every second of it – especially when there are other kids there because he LOVES kids. Check out the new photos.