The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Firsts News

First Stripe in Taekwondo

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

TaekwondoEvan has been taking Taekwondo for a month now and yesterday at his class – he got his first stripe on his belt. (They give it to kids that complete one month of the class. He was quite excited to get it and wore his belt with pride. He enjoys the stuff he learns in class (mostly stretching, exercises, and an occasional kick or punch move). Classes are not the easiest as he is the youngest in the class and the least likely to listen to the teacher – but he is getting better each class. During the rest of the week Amy and I work with him so that he can actually follow the teacher better at the next class. If anyone wants to see him in action – his classes are on Wednesday mornings at 1030am in Palatine!


Happy Independence Day

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan and his flag Evan enjoyed his Independence Day by going to a parade, a BBQ, and watching fireworks (fireworks were actually on the 3rd). He did a great job watching the fireworks and was not frightened by them at all. He liked identifying the different color fireworks and was pretty exhausted about 15 minutes in so we had to leave early. The toughest part was waiting for them to start, but Amy and I took him for walks around the park until the festivities began. Evan absolutely loved the parade because of the massive amounts of candy that was thrown his way and the big and loud fire trucks. He and his friend Emma we quite sugared up and exhausted by the end of the parade (which made for an interesting afternoon) – but we all had a good time!


Visit with grandad.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Grandad came in from NJ last week and Evan and him had a great week together. Evan and Grandad enjoyed the park, the backyard, walks around the neighborhood, and each other. Grandad also introduced Evan to the couch monster – which Salsa has been dealing with for several years now. Thankfully the couch monster slept for most of the visit – or at least Evan kept telling it to sleep. It was fabulous to see my dad and I know that Evan had a great time because when he woke up after dropping Grandad at O’hare – his first comment was, “Where’d Grandad go?” Thanks Grandad for a great visit!


New skill.

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan’s new skill is taking off his clothes and diaper – which has positives and negatives. The positive side: 1. he seems to be moving toward potty training a little more with wanting the diaper off and 2. he knows exactly where to put his clothes and diaper. The clothes go in the hamper and the diaper goes on the changing table. The negative side – 1. he does not always feel the need to go to the potty when he does take the diaper off and 2. sometimes it is behind his bedroom door that he does this and we do not know until we hear him say something like this, “oh no, poop on the blanket.”
Keeping his shorts or pants on seems to help, so no more bedtime with only a diaper.


The Coin Store

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Amy, Evan, and I went to the bank this morning and Evan – of course – asked what we were doing. I told him we were going to the bank – and he said “the coin store” – and Amy and I both looked at each other and said “yeah…I guess it is the coin store”. We got a huge kick out of him putting together bank and coins, and then store. Always something…

Favorites General

I Love My Boots

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

My Boots Evan recently found his winter boots in his closet and has been wearing them all over the house, in the back yard, and anywhere he can. He puts them on himself and is very proud that he has his boots on. Yesterday we went for a walk with Colby and he decided he wanted to wear his boots – so here is one of the pictures I took with of him with his favorite new accessory.

Firsts General

The Interesting Twos…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Bed This morning, like many mornings lately, I had to wake Evan up so we could make it to the babysitter’s house on time. He wanted nothing to do with it…so he covered his head with his blanket and kept pulling the covers over his head when I would try and take them off. Amy and I actually joke about this all the time and we both feel like he is sometimes like a teenager when trying to get him out of bed. He will let you pull the covers off, try to pull them back up, and when you keep at it – he then will just try and get his feet covered up…anything to not have to be all the way uncovered. (I find myself doing this as well).

img_0415After I finally got him up and ready for the day – he tried to barter to be able to take his blanket in the car. This is not unusual either. He is a constant barterer in the morning “blanket in the car?” or “truck in the car?” – but this morning I put my foot down…and you can see what I got. I had a laugh to myself though because my parents have a picture of me doing the same exact thing, except I was not face down in a box of blocks, I was face down on my doll’s bed. Fun times for sure. (I took these pictures with my phone which seems to need to be cleaned – so please excuse the haziness.


Everyone Meet Evan

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Evan and Evan I have been thinking about getting Evan a fish for a few weeks and finally I decided it was time. We went to the pet store yesterday to get the tank and all the necessities (including a bubbling Volcano) and let it set over night. Today I went back to pick out a goldfish for him and Evan was quite excited. After asking Evan what he wanted to name the fish – he told us he wanted to name it “Evan” – so everyone meet Evan. 😉


Evan at Arlington Park

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Last weekend we took Evan to Arlington Park because they had a Palatine residents appreciation weekend which included free pony rides and a petting zoo. On top of that, the US Military was there (well some of them) with their planes, trucks, guns, etc. Here are a few pictures from the big day.

E in the Hum-V E in the Hum-V E on the pony