The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Bye Bye Crib

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Bye CribFor the past week Evan has been sleeping on a twin size bed and since his super sweet car bed is getting delivered today – I decided to take down the crib last night. Evan enjoyed time in his “cage” while I took it apart. It is hard to believe Evan no longer has a crib…and when that piece of furniture enters his room again it will be with he is probably around 12 and wanting a full bed. I cannot wait to see the look on his face when he sees that his bed is a car (I have a good idea what it will be because I have always wanted one too. 😉 )

Favorites General

The Amazer!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan amazes me everyday. Yesterday on our way to shop we went past Corner Bakery where we usually eat at no more than once every three weeks – Evan looks out the car window and says “soup”. I was just blown away that he could make that reference when we really do not go there all too much.

On another note – Evan is now also really into Volcanos. While we were in the car yesterday in Wisconsin – we were near what appeared to be either a large factory of sorts or a nuclear plant (I could not see the actual stack because it was far off/behind trees) and Evan looked over and saw the big smoke stack and said “volcano” all excited. Again – I am ust blown away that he can make these references. Last night before he went to bed he and Amy watched a show on the planets. As soon as they showed Mercury (I believe) and the active volcanos on that TV – he once again got excited and started saying “volcano” over and over. He sure loves the volcanos…and keeping both of his moms in surprise with his knowledge!

PS – Happy birthday Amy!

Firsts News

No More Crib?

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Last night I put Evan to bed in his crib and then went in my bedroom to watch a little Guiding Light. A few minutes into my show – I heard Evan talking and then about 15 minutes or so later he started to call for me. I went with the intention of rocking him for a few minutes and then putting him back in his crib.

As I was rocking him I was talking to him about how George (Curious George) and Diego both sleep in a big boy bed and he said “Yes” to confirm it. I then asked him if he wanted to sleep in his big boy bed and he again said “Yes”. I then picked him up, put him in the big boy bed (twin) he has in his room and laid down next to him so he would be more apt to stay in the bed.

We talked, sang songs quietly and then he finally got to a point after about an hour or so of being tired enough where I felt I could get up and he would stay still.

I went into his bedroom this morning to wake him up and he was still in the same spot on his bed (he is a flip flopper). I told him how proud I was of him, got him up and then started our normal routine.

I am hoping tonight he will also want to sleep in it so in a few days when his sweet car bed gets in – we can move the crib out of the room for good.

Favorites Firsts General

Evan in the Kitchen

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Taste Tester Evan has recently started volunteering as our official taste tester when we make any sort of cookies. After one failed attempt of making my favorite cookie (Christmas Candy Canes/ Spring Shamrock/Shillelagh Sticks) I decided to make them again and Evan did a great job with cleaning his beater.

Whenever he sees us in the kitchen baking something, he goes into the dining room, grabs a chair, and then moves it to the kitchen so he can stand on it next to us.


Advanced Typing

Posted by: jzelazny | 3 Comments

I never took a typing class, but I did always enjoy working with computers…I bet Evan will follow in my footsteps! (This was at Build-a-Bear)


Will You Be My Valentine?

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Our Valentine Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and E will happily be anyone’s Valentine as long as candy or coloring is involved. A big thanks to everyone who has sent him card and/or gifts. I know he is especially excited about the new shorts and tshirt that Grandma and Grandpa Z got him because it means he will be wearing it soon when we visit them in FL next month. Evan is going to take Amy and I out to dinner this year at Wildfire.


Philip’s Little Helper

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan loves when little Philip comes over to his mom’s house so when he came over last week to fix the refrigerator, Evan got all excited. Between watching Curious George figure things out and Handy Manny fix things – Evan was eager to learn and help out with the repair needs. A few days later with Philip came over to our house, as soon as Evan saw him, he said “Hub-bub (that is what Evan’s pronunciation of Philip sounds like) come here” and he took him into our kitchen and showed him our refrigerator…as though he was here to fix that. It was pretty cute ;).

Firsts Friends General

Evan’s January/February Pictures

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan loves cakeEvan has been a busy boy in the last two months. When we have not been running from one place to another, we have been busy at home making homemade pierogis, cookies, and cakes, and popcorn right off the cob. Evan also attended his first Build a Bear birthday party, and hung out with some friends in Evanston, and went to another party in Oak Park…not to mention a sweet Super Bowl party as well! He is a busy boy so check out the latest photos of Evan in action.