The Muller-Zelazny Family

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Family General

Mama Gone…

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

This morning Evan woke up earlier than usual and his new thing in the morning is pull the blinds to the side so he can see outside. This morning when he looked outside, he saw Amy leaving and started crying and saying “Mama gone…Mama gone”. I got up as soon as I heard this sad cry, called Amy, and had her talk to Evan on the phone so he knew she was not “really” gone. It was pretty darn cute.


Twinkle Twinkle

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Each night when I put Evan to bed, we say Goodnight to the sun (his room light), I put his turtle nightlight on that projects stars on the ceiling, lay him in bed, cover him up and say I love you and Night Night. Well when I placed him in his bed last night, he sang the first few words of twinkle twinkle little star – it was so sweet. I did not even know he knew the song. So I finished it for him as I walked to the light and turned it off. So precious – I had to share.


My “Insert Word Here”

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Oh the fun has begun. For the last few weeks Evan has been letting everyone know that every object is his. He will grab a pen, my belt, a noodle – whatever it might be and say “my pen”, “my belt”, “my noodle”. He is surely testing the waters but so far after he says “my whatever” he will give it to you or will allow us to take it from him without him throwing a fit.

Fun times!

Firsts Friends

Keeping Gloves on a 2 Year Old

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Tape Hands How do you keep gloves on a two year old who wants to go outside, but cannot seem to keep his gloves on? Tape. I was joking with our babysitter about how I needed to do something drastic to keep Evan’s gloves on and mentioned next time I took him out I was going to duct tape them on. Today – when I picked Evan up – Denise (E’s babysitter) showed us how she taped his gloves on – and it worked like a charm!


Potty Training: This Morning- a Success

Posted by: jzelazny | 1 Comment

Amy and I have been working with E for a month or so in the morning to try to get him to to associate getting up with going to the bathroom in the bathroom and not in his diaper. It is a big treat for him because we take him in there, make him sit down (not a treat) on his sweet Elmo potty chair, we read a book to him, and then he gets to get up, wash his hands, brush his teeth, and then get dressed.

While he is not a fan of the potty chair – he does enjoy washing his hands and brushing his teeth. This morning however – he actually went where and when he should have. I am not sure who was more excited – me or him, but I hope this becomes more regular. I am really getting tired of the diapers.

Firsts General News

That’s Me!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan’s latest trick is looking at pictures and being able to recognize himself. He will look at the pictures, think about it for a second intensely and then with much excitement say “that’s me.” It is really cute 😉

Family General Trips

Evan’s Christmas Photos

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan opening gifts We had a busy Christmas vacation. We flew into Philadelphia on Christmas Eve, spent Christmas with Amy’s parents and family, went to see Amy’s aunt and her kids, then went down to Virginia to see my sister and her family as well as my cousin Robert. We then drove back up to Philadelphia and flew home. Thanks to all our family members for making our trip a good one! You can check out the new photos in the photos section.


Happy Birthday Evan!

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan at the Choo Choo Happy Birthday Evan! Evan spent his birthday with Grandma and Grandpa Z in the morning until we dropped them off at O’Hare. From there, I took Evan to the Choo Choo where Evan enjoyed a hot dog, some fries, a pickle, a cupcake, and then the whistle from on top of the cupcake. After that, he took a nap and then we watched Curious George (the movie) together. When Amy came home, she spent the evening with him and then he went to bed in his new comfy pajamas that Rosemary got him for his birthday.

Favorites Friends

Evan’s Second Birthday Party

Posted by: jzelazny | 0 Comments

Evan blowing out the candle

Evan blowing out the candle

Yesterday Evan had his second birthday party. At the party we had lots of good food (thanks to Portillo’s) and a lot of great friends and family. Grandma and Grandpa Z flew in for the big event and a lot of other friends drove in to spend time with Evan at his party. Evan got lots of great gifts and had a blast (especially eating his cake and off of other people’s plates). Thanks to everyone who came! New photos of the big day are available in the photos section.